Not really, because it’s not refreshing access. It’s getting access in the 
context of a separate access token, which wasn’t issued to it. The mechanism is 
similar to a refresh token but that’s it.

 — Justin

> On Mar 26, 2015, at 3:13 PM, Bill Mills <> wrote:
> By definition an access token is becoming a form of refresh token.    The 
> "because my implementation didn't do it that way" isn't convincing me.
> On Thursday, March 26, 2015 12:44 PM, Justin Richer <> wrote:
> Because many implementations (including mine which does support my old token 
> chaining draft) treat access tokens and refresh tokens separately in terms of 
> data store and structure. Additionally, the refresh token is tied to the 
> client and presented by the client. But in this case it's someone downstream, 
> an RS, presenting the token. So unlike a refresh token being presented by the 
> one it was issued to, this token is being presented by someone it was 
> presented to.
> The feeling is close, but not quite the same in either development or 
> assumptions.
> -- Justin
> / Sent from my phone /
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Bill Mills <>
> Date: 03/26/2015 2:24 PM (GMT-06:00)
> To: Justin Richer <>, "<>" <>
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case
> So why can't the access tokne simply be re-used as a refresh token?  Why 
> would it need a new grant type at all?
> On Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:31 AM, Justin Richer <> wrote:
> As requested after last night’s informal meeting, here is the token chaining 
> use case that I want to see represented in the token swap draft.
> [ Client ]  ->  [ A ] -> [ B ] -> [ C ]
> An OAuth client gets an access token AT1, just like it always would, with 
> scopes [A, B, C] in order to call service A, which requires all three scopes. 
> Service A (an RS) accepts this token since it has its scope, and then needs 
> to call service B in turn, which requires scopes [B, C]. It could just 
> re-send the token it got in, AT1, but that would give the downstream RS the 
> ability to call services with scope [ A ] and it should not be allowed to do 
> that. To limit exposure, service A calls a token swap at the AS to create AT2 
> with scopes [ B, C ], effectively acting as an OAuth client requesting a 
> downscoped token based on AT1. Service A then acts as an OAuth client to call 
> service B, now acting as an RS to service A’s client, and can fulfill the 
> request. And it’s turtles all the way down: Service B can also call service 
> C, and now B acts as a client, requesting AT3 with scope [ C ] based on AT2, 
> and sending AT3 to service C. This prevents C from being able to call B or A, 
> both of which would have been available if AT1 had been passed around. Note 
> that service A or the Client can also request a downscoped token with [ C ] 
> to call service C directly as well, and C doesn’t have to care how it got 
> there.
> In other words, it lets the client software be very, very dumb. It doesn’t 
> have to do any special processing, doesn’t have to know what’s in the token, 
> it just follows the recipe of “I got a token, I get another token based on 
> this to call someone else”. It’s also analogous to the refresh token flow, 
> but with access tokens going in and out. I’ve deployed this setup several 
> times in different service deployments. Even though there is a performance 
> hit in the additional round trips (as Phil brought up in another thread), in 
> these cases the desire to have the tokens hold least privilege access rights 
> (smallest set of scopes per service) outweighed any performance hit (which 
> was shown to be rather small in practice).
> What I want is for the token swap draft to define or use a mechanism that 
> allows us to do this. I think we can do that pretty easily by adjusting the 
> token swap syntax and language, and explicitly calling out the semantic 
> processing portion (the current core of the document) for what it is: a way 
> for a token issuer to communicate to a token service specific actions. At a 
> high level, the spec would be something like:
> 1. How to swap a token at an AS
>   1. Send a request to the token endpoint with a new grant type, and a token 
> (of any type/format/flavor) on the way in
>   2. Get back a new token in a token response
> 2. Communicating act as / on behalf of semantics via a JWT assertion
>   1. How to create (as an AS/RS/client/other issuer) a JWT with act-as 
> semantics
>   2. What to do (as an AS/RS) with a JWT with act-as semantics
>   3. How to create a JWT with on-behalf-of semeantics
>   4. What to do with a JWT with on-behalf-of-semantics
>   5. How to possibly represent these semantics with something other than a JWT
> Section 2 uses the syntax from section 1. Other applications, like the one I 
> laid out above, can use the syntax from section 1 as well. This works for 
> structured, unstructured, self-generated, cross-domain, within-domain, and 
> other tokens.
> — Justin
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