The text is now correct and you’re right where the link should go, but this 
appears to be a bug in the rfcmarkup<> 
tool that automatically creates the HTMLized version from the .txt version.  
I’ll try to experiment to see if I can work around the bug – for instance, 
changing “Section 7 of the JSON Web Key [JWK] specification” to Section 7 of 
[JWK]” and see if that helps the tool get it right.  I’ll also look into filing 
a bug on the tool.

Thanks for double-checking, Brian.

                                                            -- Mike

From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Brian Campbell
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:43 AM
To: oauth
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] JWT PoP Key Semantics WGLC followup 1 (was Re: refs and 
links in proof-of-possession-02 section 3.2)

In -03 the link is still back to the same doc and now to an anchor that doesn't 
 rather than to the section in JWK/RFC7517 where I assume it's intended,<>

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Brian Campbell 
<<>> wrote:
In §3.2. Proof-of-Possession of a Symmetric 
 it has "The rules for encrypting a JWK are found in Section 6 of the JSON Web 
Key [JWK] specification.", which has two issues.

1) the Section 6 link is to the same document at<>
 which kinda works because it's the References. But is probably not what was 
intended. I think<>
 has some info on how to fix that kind of thing.
2) It should actually refer to section 
 of JWK rather than 6 as section 6 is about "String Comparison Rules" and 7 is 
"Encrypted JWK and Encrypted JWK Set Formats".

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