Gluu is working on a free open source app called Cred Mgr:

As the name suggests, this app is a user-facing application that let's the person reset existing credentials and register new credentials. To avoid degrading the security of credentials, we want to make sure that a person can only reset a credential if they present one with equal or greater stength, or "level"

Cred-mgr knows the level, because we are returning it as the first value in the amr array in the id_token. We are also publishing a mapping of amr values to acr values in the OP discovery page. For example:

 "auth_level_mapping": {
        "50": ["";],
        "10": ["";, "";],
        "1": ["";]

If we could agree on this appraoch, then it could be interoperable across domains. I don't see any other solutions being proposed, so no one can figure out how to properly handle multi-factor credential reset in a standard way.

- Mike

Michael Schwartz
Founder / CEO

OAuth mailing list

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