Hi all,

I was looking around for guidance around how to refresh access tokens on
native mobile experiences.

Suppose we’re using a normal OAuth auth code flow with a mobile app (Chrome
custom tabs/ASWebAuthenticationSession and all). Also, want to reduce the
interruptions to the end user.

In general, it seems like refresh token is not the tool for the job, as it
generally implies offline_access, when the user is not there. So if the
user signed out of their identity provider, I would not want them to be
able to get a new access token.

Via normal web flow, the “prompt=none” ability is available (called Silent
Authentication by Auth0), so the refresh can be done in the background,
without ever bothering the user at all if they are still logged in. I don’t
think this is possible with a chrome custom tab or iOS equivalent, even if
the user never needs to enter their password.

Is there some type of similar flow for native mobile applications? It seems
like most of the suggestions out there refer to just using the refresh
tokens. Also, another note, SMART on FHIR seems to introduce the concept of
“online_access”, which seems to indicate a refresh token that is tied to an
authentication session. That also seems interesting to me.

So anyway, is there any general guidance? Is everyone just using refresh
tokens? Some combination of long access tokens and longer web
authentication sessions?

Thanks in advance,

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