Thanks for putting this together Aaron. 

Having read through the document, I am not as convinced that there is enough of 
a benefit of Authorization Code + PKCE vs Implict Flow for SPAs.

In section 7.8. the document outlines the Implicit flow disadvantages as 

"- OAuth 2.0 provides no mechanism for a client to verify that an access token 
was issued to it, which could lead to misuse and possible impersonation attacks 
if a malicious party hands off an access token it retrieved through some other 
means to the client."

If you use Code + PKCE with no client secret (public client) as it is being 
advocated, you can't verify the client either. PKCE is not for authenticating 
the client, it is there to provide a mechanism to verify inter-app 
communication, which occurs between a browser and a native app. There is no 
inter-app communication in implicit (everything stays in the browser), so no 
need for PKCE.

"- Supporting the implicit flow requires additional code, more upkeep and 
understanding of the related security considerations, while limiting the 
authorization server to just the authorization code flow simplifies the 

This is subjective and can be easily argued the other way. I think one of the 
main selling points behind implicit was its simplicity. It is hard to argue 
(putting libraries aside) that making one redirect (implicit) requires more 
code, work, etc.. than making a redirect and at least two additional calls in 
order to get AT (plus CORS on AS side).

Further, in the beginning paragraph of 7.8, you mention that implicit gets the 
AT through the front-channel. Exchanging code for AT will also happen in the 
browser , where instead of a url you will have an xhr (and again, now we have 

Finally, how is the AT going to be refreshed? Are we allowing for long lived RT 
in the browser? I see that the document mentions CSP in 7.7, but doesn't the 
same apply to securing AT with Implicit?

Tomek Stojecki

On Tuesday, November 6, 2018, 10:55:40 AM GMT+1, Hannes Tschofenig 
<> wrote: 

Hi all,

Today we were not able to talk about draft-parecki-oauth-browser-based-apps-00, 
which describes  "OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Apps".

Aaron put a few slides together, which can be found here:

Your review of this new draft is highly appreciated.

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