On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 10:21:51AM -0700, Brian Campbell wrote:
> I don't honestly know for sure but I suspect that employees of big
> corporations will likely have keys/certs on their devices/machines that are
> issued by some internal CA and provisioned to them automatically (and in
> many cases without the user knowing and/or understanding that they are
> there and why). Those users would likely be prompted when TLS handshaking
> with a server that presents an empty list of CAs in the
> certificate_authorities of the CertificateRequest.
> I dunno. Maybe I was too quick to retract the proposal for the MTLS
> supporting secondary token endpoint?
> What do folks (including Ben & Neil) think?

Sorry for the slow reply.  I agree with Filip that we can't be confident
that the affected population is a vanishingly small population, so it
probably does make sense to continue thinking about how we can present a
better UX.


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