Doesn’t the “scope” parameter already provide a means of specifying a logical 

Annabelle Richard Backman
AWS Identity

From: OAuth <> on behalf of Vittorio Bertocci 
Date: Friday, January 18, 2019 at 5:47 AM
To: John Bradley <>
Cc: IETF oauth WG <>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Shepherd write-up for 

Thanks John for the background.
I agree that from the client validation PoV, having an identifier corresponding 
to a location makes things more solid.
That said: the use of logical identifiers is widespread, as it has significant 
practical advantages (think of services that assign generated hosting URLs only 
at deployment time, or services that are somehow grouped under the same logical 
audience across regions/environment/deployments). People won't stop using 
logical identifiers, because they often have no alternative (generating new 
audiences on the fly at the AS every time you do a deployment and get assigned 
a new URL can be unfeasible). Leaving a widely used approach as exercise to the 
reader seems a disservice to the community, given that this might lead to 
vendors (for example Microsoft and Auth0) keeping their own proprietary 
parameters, or developers misusing the ones in place; would make it hard for 
SDK developers to provide libraries that work out of the box with different 
ASes; and so on.
Would it be feasible to add such parameter directly in this spec? That would 
eliminate the interop issues, and also gives us a chance to fully warn people 
about the security shortcomings of choosing that approach.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 4:32 PM John Bradley 
<<>> wrote:

We have discussed this.

Audiences can certainly be logical identifiers.

This however is a more specific location.  The AS is free to map the location 
into some abstract audience in the AT.

From a security point of view once the client starts asking for logical 
resources it can be tricked into asking for the wrong one as a bad resource can 
always lie about what logical resource it is.

If we were to change it, how a client would validate it becomes challenging to 

The AS is free to do whatever mapping of locations to identifiers it needs for 
access tokens.

Some implementations may want to keep additional parameters like logical 
audience, but that should be separate from resource.

John B.
On 1/17/2019 9:56 AM, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef wrote:
Hi Vittorio,

The text you quoted is copied form the abstract of the draft itself.


Should the draft be updated to cover the logical identifier case?


On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 8:19 AM Vittorio Bertocci 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Rifaat,
one detail. The tech summary says

An extension to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework defining request

parameters that enable a client to explicitly signal to an authorization server

about the location of the protected resource(s) to which it is requesting

But at least in the Microsoft implementation, the resource identifier doesn't 
have to be a network addressable URL (and if it is, it doesn't strictly need to 
match the actual resource location). It can be a logical identifier, tho using 
the actual resource location there has benefits (domain ownership check, 
prevention of token forwarding etc).
Same for Auth0, the audience parameter is a logical identifier rather than a 

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 6:32 PM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
<<>> wrote:

The following is the first shepherd write-up for the 
draft-ietf-oauth-resource-indicators-01 document.

Please, take a look and let me know if I missed anything.


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