On 2019-02-22 10:29 a.m., George Fletcher wrote:
> I believe Torsten proposed an "authentication_failed" error response
> in a different context. Possibly we could use that?
> Alternatively, OpenID Connect defines a 'login_required' error that
> could work in this context as well. It doesn't fit the semantic as
> defined in the OIDC spec, but as an error would work.
> If we need to use an existing OAuth2 error code, then I'd recommend
> 'invalid_request' in that the request is invalid because there are too
> many of them which is indicated by the 429 HTTP error code.

What benefit would a specific request body serve?

Should a client behave differently if they got a 429 from an
intermediate oauth2-unaware proxy vs an oauth2 server that emits this body?

> On 2/22/19 9:53 AM, Aaron Parecki wrote:
>> HTTP 429 sounds fine for the HTTP response code, but what about the
>> OAuth error code string? "invalid_grant" seems closest but doesn't
>> sound right because if the app tries the same request again later it
>> would be valid.
>> On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 6:02 AM George Fletcher <gffle...@aol.com
>> <mailto:gffle...@aol.com>> wrote:
>>     +1 for using 429
>>     On 2/22/19 2:09 AM, David Waite wrote:
>>>     I don’t believe that any of the currently registered error codes
>>>     are appropriate for indicating that the password request is
>>>     invalid, let alone a more specific behavior like rate limiting.
>>>     It is also my opinion that 400 Bad Request shouldn’t be used for
>>>     known transient errors, but rather for malformed requests - the
>>>     request could very well be correct (and have the correct
>>>     password), but it is being rejected due to temporal limits
>>>     placed on the client or network address/domain.
>>>     So I would propose a different statuses such 401 to indicate the
>>>     username/password were invalid, and either 429 (Too many
>>>     requests) or 403 (Forbidden) when rate limited or denied due to
>>>     too many attempts. Thats not to say that the body of the
>>>     response can’t be an OAuth-format JSON error, possibly with a
>>>     standardized code - but again I don’t think the currently
>>>     registered codes would be appropriate for conveying that.
>>>     That said, I don’t know what interest there would be in
>>>     standardizing such codes, considering the existing
>>>     recommendations against using this grant type.
>>>     -DW
>>>>     On Feb 21, 2019, at 10:57 PM, Aaron Parecki <aa...@parecki.com
>>>>     <mailto:aa...@parecki.com>> wrote:
>>>>     The OAuth password grant section mentions taking appropriate
>>>>     measures to rate limit password requests at the token endpoint.
>>>>     However the error responses section (
>>>>     https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5.2) doesn't
>>>>     mention an error code to use if the request is being rate
>>>>     limited.. What's the recommended practice here? Thanks!
>>>>     Aaron
>>>>     -- 
>>>>     ----
>>>>     Aaron Parecki
>>>>     aaronparecki.com <http://aaronparecki.com/>
>>>>     @aaronpk <http://twitter.com/aaronpk>
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>> -- 
>> ----
>> Aaron Parecki
>> aaronparecki.com <http://aaronparecki.com>
>> @aaronpk <http://twitter.com/aaronpk>
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