Hi Vittorio,

Thanks for the good starting point of standardizing JWT-ized AT.

One feedback.
The “sub” claim can include 2 types of identifier, end-user and client, in this 
It requires those 2 types of identifiers to be unique each other in the IdP 

I prefer omitting “sub” claim in 2-legged context, so that no such constraint 



> On Mar 25, 2019, at 8:29, Vittorio Bertocci 
> <vittorio.bertocci=40auth0....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just submitted a draft describing a JWT profile for OAuth 2.0 access 
> tokens. You can find it in 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bertocci-oauth-access-token-jwt/ 
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bertocci-oauth-access-token-jwt/>.
> I have a slot to discuss this tomorrow at IETF 104 (I'll be presenting 
> remotely). I look forward for your comments!
> Here's just a bit of backstory, in case you are interested in how this doc 
> came to be. The trajectory it followed is somewhat unusual.
> Despite OAuth2 not requiring any specific format for ATs, through the years I 
> have come across multiple proprietary solution using JWT for their access 
> token. The intent and scenarios addressed by those solutions are mostly the 
> same across vendors, but the syntax and interpretations in the 
> implementations are different enough to prevent developers from reusing code 
> and skills when moving from product to product.
> I asked several individuals from key products and services to share with me 
> concrete examples of their JWT access tokens (THANK YOU Dominick Baier 
> (IdentityServer), Brian Campbell (PingIdentity), Daniel Dobalian (Microsoft), 
> Karl Guinness (Okta) for the tokens and explanations!). 
> I studied and compared all those instances, identifying commonalities and 
> differences. 
> I put together a presentation summarizing my findings and suggesting a rough 
> interoperable profile (slides: 
> https://sec.uni-stuttgart.de/_media/events/osw2019/slides/bertocci_-_a_jwt_profile_for_ats.pptx
> <https://sec..uni-stuttgart.de/_media/events/osw2019/slides/bertocci_-_a_jwt_profile_for_ats.pptx>
>  ) - got early feedback from Filip Skokan on it. Thx Filip!
> The presentation was followed up by 1.5 hours of unconference discussion, 
> which was incredibly valuable to get tight-loop feedback and incorporate new 
> ideas. John Bradley, Brian Campbell Vladimir Dzhuvinov, Torsten Lodderstedt, 
> Nat Sakimura, Hannes Tschofenig were all there and contributed generously to 
> the discussion. Thank you!!!
> Note: if you were at OSW2019, participated in the discussion and didn't get 
> credited in the draft, my apologies: please send me a note and I'll make 
> things right at the next update.
> On my flight back I did my best to incorporate all the ideas and feedback in 
> a draft, which will be discussed at IETF104 tomorrow. Rifaat, Hannes and 
> above all Brian were all super helpful in negotiating the mysterious syntax 
> of the RFC format and submission process.
> I was blown away by the availability, involvement and willingness to invest 
> time to get things right that everyone demonstrated in the process. This is 
> an amazing community. 
> V.
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