
> Am 22.07.2019 um 21:32 schrieb Vittorio Bertocci <>:
> > Additionally stating that unique audiences shall be used for different 
> > services should be ok.
> Fair! I'll add language to that effect in section 5 and update the draft 
> before Friday.
> thanks!
> V. 
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 9:25 AM Torsten Lodderstedt 
>> <> wrote:
>> > On 22. Jul 2019, at 17:13, Vittorio Bertocci <> 
>> > wrote:
>> > 
>> > Thank you Torsten for the prompt review and insightful comments!
>> > 
>> > 2.2.1 - excellent point. I added the suggested language.
>> > 
>> > 2.2.2 - interesting. I did think of cases similar to profile in OIDC, 
>> > where the effect of the request is influencing the layout of the resulting 
>> > idtoken, but concluded that it didn't apply as is for access tokens. Given 
>> > that you have direct knowledge of such cases in the wild, I am happy to 
>> > relax the MUST into a SHOULD.
>> > 
>> > 5. - this is going to be problematic in the wild. For example, in the 
>> > azure AD world a registered application can play both the role of an API 
>> > and a client; and requests for tokens targeting the app can use any 
>> > identifier assigned to the app. That means that although idtokens will 
>> > only be issued if the request identifies the client via clientID, access 
>> > tokens requests for it will be honored (and reflected in aud) both in the 
>> > case the resource parameter contains the clientID or the API URI of the 
>> > target application.
>> Interesting and (in my opinion) reasonable. Out of the top of my head I 
>> don’t see how this has a negative security impact since the recipient is 
>> always the same service. 
>> > In fact I suspect that the most recent version of the service uses the 
>> > clientID as preferred identifier, if not the only one. Mike/Tony can 
>> > confirm or deny.
>> > As a compromise, we could add language in the spec that recommends the use 
>> > of a unique audience when viable, as an extra measure in case the typ 
>> > value isn't honored. WDYT?
>> Having a unique audiences at least for different services is key.
>> In fact, I’m concerned about JWT confusion in OIDC RPs in the wild that do 
>> generally not honor the type (as long as we do not update OIDC Core to 
>> require this and it is being adopted). I think since your draft requires 
>> both, iss and aud to be present, this threat is being dealt with. 
>> Additionally stating that unique audiences shall be used for different 
>> services should be ok.
>> >  
>> > 
>> > On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 7:01 AM Torsten Lodderstedt 
>> > <> wrote:
>> > Hi Vittorio,
>> > 
>> > thanks for contributing this specification. It fills a further gap in the 
>> > OAuth universe :-)
>> > 
>> > Here are my comments:
>> > 
>> > - 2.2.1 there are other sources for identity claims, e.g. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I recommend to open the clause
>> > 
>> > "Any additional attributes whose semantic is well described by the
>> >    attributes description found in section 5.1 of [
>> > OpenID.Core] SHOULD
>> >    be codified in JWT access tokens via the corresponding claim names in
>> >    that section of the OpenID Connect specification.  The same holds for
>> >    attributes defined in [RFC7662]."
>> > 
>> > by adding 
>> > 
>> > "and other identity related specifications.” 
>> > 
>> > Alternatively, the draft could also refer to the IANA “OAuth Token 
>> > Introspection Response” registry as source for JWT claims.
>> > 
>> > - 2.2.2. 
>> > 
>> > "If an authorization request includes a scope parameter, the
>> >    corresponding issued JWT access token MUST include a scope claim as
>> >    defined in section 4.2 of [TokenExchange]."
>> > 
>> > Why do you establish such a strong link between the scope in the 
>> > authorization request and the access token? I’m aware of implementations 
>> > that map scope values to audience values and therefore do not carry the 
>> > scope value to the resource server. I suggest to soften this requirement 
>> > and make it a recommendation. 
>> > 
>> > - 5. 
>> > 
>> > "The JWT access token data layout described here is very similar to the 
>> > one of the id_token as defined by [OpenID.Core].  Without the
>> >    explicit typing required in this profile, in line with the 
>> > recommendations in [JWT.BestPractices] there would be the risk of
>> >    attackers using JWT access tokens in lieu of id_tokens."
>> > 
>> > I like this practice but it is not established yet in the OpenID Connect 
>> > universe. This means any OIDC RP will process an access token because it 
>> > will just ignore the type header. 
>> > 
>> > draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response therefore gives recommendation 
>> > on how to use iss and aud claim to prevent JWT abuse 
>> > (
>> >  
>> > 
>> > Mapping this pattern to JWTs as access token requires that there must not 
>> > be the same aud value for a resource server and any other JWT consumer, 
>> > e..g. an OpenID Connect RP. 
>> > 
>> > kind regards,
>> > Torsten. 
>> > 
>> > > On 21. Jul 2019, at 14:55, wrote:
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
>> > > directories.
>> > > This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol WG of the 
>> > > IETF.
>> > > 
>> > >        Title           : JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 
>> > > Access Tokens
>> > >        Author          : Vittorio Bertocci
>> > >       Filename        : draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-01.txt
>> > >       Pages           : 15
>> > >       Date            : 2019-07-20
>> > > 
>> > > Abstract:
>> > >   This specification defines a profile for issuing OAuth2 access tokens
>> > >   in JSON web token (JWT) format.  Authorization servers and resource
>> > >   servers from different vendors can leverage this profile to issue and
>> > >   consume access tokens in interoperable manner.
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > There are also htmlized versions available at:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > A diff from the previous version is available at:
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of 
>> > > submission
>> > > until the htmlized version and diff are available at
>> > > 
>> > > Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > _______________________________________________
>> > > OAuth mailing list
>> > >
>> > >
>> > 

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