Thanks Adam, I attempt to provide not-too-terrible replies to your comments
inline below.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 8:02 PM Adam Roach via Datatracker <>

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for the work that everyone did on this document. I have one
> suggestion
> for clarification, followed by a handful of editorial nits.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> §2.1.2:
> >  tls_client_auth_san_ip
> >     A string representation of an IP address in either dotted decimal
> >     notation (for IPv4) or colon-delimited hexadecimal (for IPv6, as
> >     defined in [RFC4291] section 2.2) that is expected to be present
> >     as an iPAddress SAN entry in the certificate, which the OAuth
> >     client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
> This probably needs some text that clarifies expectations around comparison
> and/or normalization. For example, if the iPAddress value in the cert is
> "20 01 0d b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 00 02 ca" (and a mask of all F's),
> one
> should presume that this would match both tls_client_auth_san_ip values
> "2001:db8:0:0:0:0:c000:2ca" and "2001:DB8::", right? If no, then
> this document needs to talk about normalization of address representation..

Can you help me with some text here? I'm a bit out of my realm, to be
honest. I naively just want it to say that the tls_client_auth_san_ip value
and iPAddress value in the cert need to be the same IP address. But I do
realize "same" isn't totally clear as your comment and others have pointed
out. But I don't know enough to know how to write it in a way that's
suitable for this kind of thing.

Alternatively, as I mentioned in my response to Ben (down a ways in,
I've never personally been able to think of a situation where
tls_client_auth_san_ip is actually needed.  So maybe removing it all
together is an option as well?

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> §1:
> >  Layering on the abstract flow above, this document standardizes
> >  enhanced security options for OAuth 2.0 utilizing client certificate
> >  based mutual TLS.
> Nit: "client-certificate-based"

Mr. Kaduk beat you to this one. Will fix.

>  OAuth 2.0 defines a shared secret method of client authentication but
> Nit: "shared-secret"

Will fix.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> §1:
> >  This document describes an additional
> >  mechanism of client authentication utilizing mutual TLS certificate-
> >  based authentication
> Nit: "mutual-TLS"
> >  Mutual TLS certificate-bound access tokens ensure that only the party
> Nit: "Mutual-TLS"
> >  Mutual TLS certificate-bound access tokens and mutual TLS client
> Nit: "Mutual-TLS... mutual-TLS"
> >  Additional client metadata parameters are introduced by this document
> >  in support of certificate-bound access tokens and mutual TLS client
> >  authentication.
> Nit: "mutual-TLS"
> The remainder of the document has several other uses of the phrase "mutual
> TLS" as an adjective; they should be similarly hyphenated. I will not call
> them out individually. (Non-adjectival uses should not contain hyphens, so
> this isn't a simple find-and-replace operation.)

Understood. In theory anyway.  I'll take a pass thought the whole document
and endeavor to find and hyphenate all the places that "mutual TLS" is used
as an adjective.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> §5:
> >  Authorization servers supporting both clients using mutual TLS and
> >  conventional clients MAY chose to isolate the server side mutual TLS
> >  behaviour to only clients intending to do mutual TLS, thus avoiding
> Nit: "behavior" (or adjust other spellings in the document to be
> consistently
> British).

 Ugh. I'm surprised my jingoistic spellcheck didn't flag that one. Will

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