Ya, this part is confusing. I didn't get it at first either.

The response to registration using RFC 7591 (authenticated with an initial
token or not) typically includes a registration access token; this metadata
isn't defined in RFC 7591 but discussed in section 1.3; that spec leaves
the metadata out of scope. It is, however, profiled in section 3.2 of OIDC
DCR (see registration_access_token in section 3.2 available at
With this, the client can update its registration according to RFC 7592
(DCRM). When it does so, the AS will typically return a new registration
token with each reply. This update process is described in section 5 of

On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 2:23 PM Robache Hervé <herve.roba...@stet.eu> wrote:

> Thanks Travis
> I understand that, once the client has retrieved its [client_id] through
> RFC7591 initial registration, it is then able to ask for an access token
> that will be used for accessing the RFC7592 entry-points. Am I right?
> Best regards
> Hervé
> *De :* Travis Spencer [mailto:travis.spen...@curity.io]
> *Envoyé :* ven. 13 13:30
> *À :* Robache Hervé
> *Cc :* oauth@ietf.org
> *Objet :* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Question regarding RFC 7592
> No. The initial access token is issued by the AS when registration is
> protected (appendix 1.2 in RFC 7591). As stated in section 1.2, the method
> and means by which this is obtained can vary. The registration access token
> in RFC 7592 is used to protect the registration management API and allow
> updates to the client after it is registered. You might have one (the
> registration access token) but not the other (initial access token) when
> open registration is allowed (appendix 1.1 in RFC 7591).
> HTH!
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 7:37 AM Robache Hervé <herve.roba...@stet.eu>
> wrote:
> Hi
> RFC 7592 introduces a « Registration Access Token ». Are this token and
> the way to get it similar to what is specified as “Initial Access Token” in
> RFC 7591/Appendix A ?
> If so, can the Open Dynamic Client Registration (RFC7591/A.1.1) be
> extrapolated to RFC7592 as the same way?
> Thanks in advance for your clarification.
> Direction Marketing et Développement
> T. +33(0)1 55 23 55 45
> herve.roba...@stet.eu
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