Just on one narrow point:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 04:23:56PM +0200, Travis Spencer wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 6, 2019 at 3:31 PM Torsten Lodderstedt
> > Open: How would one implement sender constrained access tokens in that 
> > case? I’m asking since the receiving RS obviously has no access to the 
> > information from the TLS handshake since TLS termination happens at the 
> > proxy (or even in before the request hits the proxy). The RS would need to 
> > get provided with the cert fingerprint via a trustworthy header, i.e. the 
> > RS must be aware of the fact it sits behind a proxy.
> This is unfortunately the typical case even with the mTLS draft. This
> is because SSL is almost never terminated by the AS; in my experience,
> TLS termination is instead handled by some very fast proxy.[1] In such
> cases, the proxy will pass the cert through to the AS in some
> undefined HTTP header with some undefined encoding. The mTLS spec
> should have defined this IMO, as it prevents interop for a primary use
> case -- sender constrained tokens.

It's not clear to me that mTLS should have defined a protocol from proxy to
backend; that seems like it could be a fairly generic thing and I know of
several people that are working on similar things, to one degree or
another.  draft-schwartz-tls-lb is the example that I can most easily find
in my archives; though it's working with non-TLS-terminating cases, there
is probably some commonality with TLS-terminating cases as well.


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