Am 16.11.19 um 14:28 schrieb Aaron Parecki:
> Thanks for the reply. You're right, PKCE requires maintaining
> application state as well, and does solve the main worry I have.
> However I think there is still something more. I guess my concern is
> around the specific wording:
>> in this case, 'state' may be used again for its original purpose...
> My concern is if people see this recommendation, (even though it's
> clarified that it only applies if the authorization server supports
> PKCE), they may revert back to static "state" values *regardless* of
> whether the server supports PKCE, opening up a security hole again.
> This is especially problematic because of the way PKCE works where
> clients have no indication as to whether the server supports PKCE if
> the whole flow is successful.
> I guess I just would rather not mention the possibility of using
> static state values again.
I would like to keep this note. We could change the wording, however.
How about this:

"If PKCE [RFC7636] is used by the client and the client *has ensured*
that the authorization server supports PKCE, the client MAY opt to not
use "state" for CSRF protection".

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