It’s difficult to give advise without lot of detailed information. I 
nevertheless give it a try.

Mechanically, the application would need to use a different grant, credential 
instead of ROPC. If such an application today already uses a distinct 
client_id, the AS must be set up to relate this client_id and the service 
account the same app used before directly. With that the respective deployment 
is able to leverage all client authentication methods, including mTLS.

> On 21. Feb 2020, at 16:02, Neil Madden <> wrote:
> But we’re talking about existing deployments. Are you suggesting that people 
> should bulk rename all of their clients to match the service accounts (or 
> vice-versa)? 
> — Neil
>> On 21 Feb 2020, at 14:54, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 21. Feb 2020, at 15:47, Neil Madden <> wrote:
>>> Sorry, I missed that message. 
>>> While this may be a solution in specific circumstances, I don’t think it’s 
>>> a general solution. e.g. an AS may not allow manually choosing the 
>>> client_id to avoid things like 
>>>  or may return different introspection results for client credentials 
>>> tokens (e.g. with no “sub”) and so on. In practice, this adds even more 
>>> steps for somebody to migrate from existing ROPC usage.
>>> This is asking people to make fundamental changes to their identity 
>>> architecture rather than simply switching to a new grant type.
>> I don’t see this as a fundamental change, it adds another claim/permission 
>> source to a client id.
>> This can be solved by either using the id of the service account as sub or 
>> even put the service identity into a dedicated realm. We implemented the 
>> later strategy at Deutsche Telekom couple of yrs ago.
>>> — Neil
>>>> On 21 Feb 2020, at 14:34, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I see - we have gone full cycle :-) 
>>>> Annabelle’s proposal would solve that. Relate a client id to a service 
>>>> account and obtain the token data from there. 
>>>>> On 21. Feb 2020, at 15:31, Neil Madden <> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, that is great. But mTLS doesn’t support service accounts (!= 
>>>>> clients). Maybe it should? Should there be a mTLS *grant type*?
>>>>> — Neil
>>>>>> On 21 Feb 2020, at 14:20, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Have you ever tried the client credentials grant with mTLS? After 
>>>>>> reading your description it seems to be simpler than JWT Bearer.
>>>>>> * work out if the AS even supports mTLS
>>>>>> * work out how to configure the AS to trust my cert(s)
>>>>>> * Create key pair and cert using openssl
>>>>>> * Register your (self-signed) cert along with your client_id
>>>>>> * Configure the HTTP client to use your key pair for TLS Client 
>>>>>> Authentication
>>>>>> Works very well for us. 
>>>>>>> On 21. Feb 2020, at 15:12, Neil Madden <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> No failures, but it is a much more complex grant type to set up, when 
>>>>>>> you consider everything you have to do:
>>>>>>> * work out if the AS even supports JWT bearer and how to turn it on
>>>>>>> * work out how to configure the AS to trust my public key(s)
>>>>>>> - do I have to create a new HTTPS endpoint to publish a JWK Set?
>>>>>>> * determine the correct settings for issuer, audience, subject, etc. 
>>>>>>> Does the AS impose non-standard requirements? e.g. RFC 7523 says that 
>>>>>>> the JWT MUST contain a “sub” claim, but Google only allows this to be 
>>>>>>> present if your client is doing impersonation of an end-user (which 
>>>>>>> requires additional permissions).
>>>>>>> * do I need a unique “jti” claim? (OIDC servers do, plain OAuth ones 
>>>>>>> might not) If I do, can I reuse the JWT or must it be freshly signed 
>>>>>>> for every call?
>>>>>>> * locate and evaluate a JWT library for my language of choice. Monitor 
>>>>>>> that new dependency for security advisories.
>>>>>>> * choose a suitable signature algorithm (‘ere be dragons)
>>>>>>> * figure out how to distribute the private key to my service
>>>>>>> Compared to “create a service account and POST the username and 
>>>>>>> password to the token endpoint” it adds a little friction. (It also 
>>>>>>> adds a lot of advantages, but it is undeniably more complex).
>>>>>>> — Neil
>>>>>>>> On 21 Feb 2020, at 13:41, Matthew De Haast 
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have a feeling that if we had more concise JWT libraries and command 
>>>>>>>> line tools, where using the JWT Bearer grant became a one-liner again 
>>>>>>>> then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. So perhaps removing it 
>>>>>>>> is an incentive to make that happen.
>>>>>>>> Neil could you elaborate more on this please. What failures are you 
>>>>>>>> currently experiencing/seeing with the JWT Bearer grant? 
>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:42 AM Neil Madden 
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have a feeling that if we had more concise JWT libraries and command 
>>>>>>>> line tools, where using the JWT Bearer grant became a one-liner again 
>>>>>>>> then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. So perhaps removing it 
>>>>>>>> is an incentive to make that happen.
>>>>>>>>> On 19 Feb 2020, at 22:01, Dick Hardt <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Neil: are you advocating that password grant be preserved in 2.1? Or 
>>>>>>>>> do you think that service account developers know enough about what 
>>>>>>>>> they are doing to follow what is in 6749?
>>>>>>>>> ᐧ
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 1:52 PM Neil Madden 
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> OAuth2 clients are often private to the AS - they live in a database 
>>>>>>>>> that only the AS can access, have attributes specific to their use in 
>>>>>>>>> OAuth2, and so on. Many existing systems have access controls based 
>>>>>>>>> on users, roles, permissions and so on and expect all users accessing 
>>>>>>>>> the system to exist in some user repository, e.g. LDAP, where they 
>>>>>>>>> can be looked up and appropriate permissions determined. A service 
>>>>>>>>> account can be created inside such a system as if it was a regular 
>>>>>>>>> user, managed through the normal account provisioning tools, assigned 
>>>>>>>>> permissions, roles, etc.
>>>>>>>>> Another reason is that sometimes OAuth is just one authentication 
>>>>>>>>> option out of many, and so permissions assigned to service accounts 
>>>>>>>>> are preferred over scopes because they are consistently applied no 
>>>>>>>>> matter how a request is authenticated. This is often the case when 
>>>>>>>>> OAuth has been retrofitted to an existing system and they need to 
>>>>>>>>> preserve compatibility with already deployed clients.
>>>>>>>>> See e.g. Google cloud platform (GCP): 
>>>>>>>>> They use the JWT bearer grant type for service account authentication 
>>>>>>>>> and assign permissions to those service accounts and typically have 
>>>>>>>>> very broad scopes. For service-to-service API calls you typically get 
>>>>>>>>> an access token with a single scope that is effectively “all of GCP” 
>>>>>>>>> and everything is managed at the level of permissions on the RO 
>>>>>>>>> service account itself. They only break down fine-grained scopes when 
>>>>>>>>> you are dealing with user data and will be getting an access token 
>>>>>>>>> approved by a real user (through a normal auth code flow).
>>>>>>>>> — Neil
>>>>>>>>>> On 19 Feb 2020, at 21:35, Torsten Lodderstedt 
>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Can you explain more in detail why the client credentials grant type 
>>>>>>>>>> isn’t applicable for the kind of use cases you mentioned?
>>>>>>>>>>> Am 19.02.2020 um 22:03 schrieb Neil Madden 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> I very much agree with this with regards to real users. 
>>>>>>>>>>> The one legitimate use-case for ROPC I’ve seen is for service 
>>>>>>>>>>> accounts - where you essentially want something like 
>>>>>>>>>>> client_credentials but for whatever reason you need the RO to be a 
>>>>>>>>>>> service user rather than an OAuth2 client (typically so that some 
>>>>>>>>>>> lower layer of the system can still perform its required permission 
>>>>>>>>>>> checks).
>>>>>>>>>>> There are better grant types for this - e.g. JWT bearer - but they 
>>>>>>>>>>> are a bit harder to implement. Having recently converted some code 
>>>>>>>>>>> from ROPC to JWT bearer for exactly this use-case, it went from a 
>>>>>>>>>>> couple of lines of code to two screens of code. For service to 
>>>>>>>>>>> service API calls within a datacenter I’m not convinced this 
>>>>>>>>>>> resulted in a material increase in security for the added 
>>>>>>>>>>> complexity.
>>>>>>>>>>> — Neil
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 18 Feb 2020, at 21:57, Hans Zandbelt 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would also seriously look at the original motivation behind 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ROPC: I know it has been deployed and is used in quite a lot of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> places but I have never actually come across a use case where it 
>>>>>>>>>>>> is used for migration purposes and the migration is actually 
>>>>>>>>>>>> executed (I know that is statistically not a very strong argument 
>>>>>>>>>>>> but I challenge others to come up with one...)
>>>>>>>>>>>> In reality it turned out just to be a one off that people used as 
>>>>>>>>>>>> an easy way out to stick to an anti-pattern and still claim to do 
>>>>>>>>>>>> OAuth 2.0. It is plain wrong, it is not OAuth and we need to get 
>>>>>>>>>>>> rid of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 10:44 PM Aaron Parecki <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Agreed. Plus, the Security BCP is already effectively acting as a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> grace period since it currently says the password grant MUST NOT 
>>>>>>>>>>>> be used, so in the OAuth 2.0 world that's already a pretty strong 
>>>>>>>>>>>> signal..
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aaron
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 4:16 PM Justin Richer <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no need for a grace period. People using OAuth 2..0 can 
>>>>>>>>>>>> still do OAuth 2.0. People using OAuth 2.1 will do OAuth 2.1. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> — Justin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 18, 2020, at 3:54 PM, Anthony Nadalin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would suggest a SHOULD NOT instead of MUST, there are still 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sites using this and a grace period should be provided before a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> MUST is pushed out as there are valid use cases out there still.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: OAuth <> On Behalf Of Dick Hardt
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 12:37 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.1: dropping password grant
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey List 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Once again using the OAuth 2.1 name as a placeholder for the doc 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Aaron, Torsten, and I are working on)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the security topics doc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The password grant MUST not be used.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some background for those interested. I added this grant into 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OAuth 2.0 to allow applications that had been provided password 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to migrate. Even with the caveats in OAuth 2.0, implementors 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decide they want to prompt the user to enter their credentials, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the anti-pattern OAuth was created to eliminate. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone have concerns with dropping the password grant from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the OAuth 2.1 document so that developers don't use it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Dick
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