I have a question about the example and maybe it's more for
clarification than anything.

The example contains type and also location.
A couple of things
1. Would it add clarity if the domain was the same for both? vs. someorg.com
/ example.com
2. While only an example, would it bring clerity to past examples if the
type was https://schema.example.com/payment_initiation and the location was

or am I missing something what the values represent?

Here's the example I am referring to on page 17.

      "iss": "https://as.example.com";,
      "sub": "24400320",
      "aud": "a7AfcPcsl2",
      "exp": 1311281970,
      "acr": "psd2_sca",
      "txn": "8b4729cc-32e4-4370-8cf0-5796154d1296",
      "authorization_details": [
            "type": "https://www.someorg.com/payment_initiation";,
            "actions": [
            "locations": [
            "instructedAmount": {
               "currency": "EUR",
               "amount": "123.50"
            "creditorName": "Merchant123",
            "creditorAccount": {
               "iban": "DE02100100109307118603"
            "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "Ref Number Merchant"
      "debtorAccount": {
         "iban": "DE40100100103307118608",
         "user_role": "owner"

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