Am 04.05.20 um 19:54 schrieb Neil Madden:
> I mentioned another one in my recent email - BREACH attacks against
> HTTP compression being used to steal access tokens in transit.
Excellent point, I added that one.
> There’s a variant of the online XSS attacks in which the attacker just
> proxies requests through the victim’s browser

That was the attack that should have been described under "Online XSS"
in the first place. I somehow got confused along the way. Exfiltration
of precomputed values is definitely /not/ "Online XSS".

> ( rather than exfiltrating tokens/proofs.

As a sidenote: BeEF is not really XSS but requires a full browser

Thanks for the feedback!


> You can protect against exfiltration attacks by e.g. token binding the
> DPoP proofs and/or access token, or storing the access token in a
> HttpOnly cookie (gasp!). You can protect against exfiltrating
> post-dated DPoP proofs by storing the private key in a separate origin
> loaded in an iframe that you use postMessage to ask for proof tokens
> so the attacker is not in control of those claims. Nothing really
> protects against an attacker proxying requests through your browser,
> so this is purely post-compromise recovery rather than an actual
> defence against XSS.
> — Neil
>> On 4 May 2020, at 18:24, Daniel Fett <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as mentioned in the WG interim meeting, there are several ideas
>> floating around of what DPoP actually does.
>> In an attempt to clarify this, if have unfolded the use cases that I
>> see and written them down in the form of attacks that DPoP defends
>> against:
>> Can you come up with other attacks? Are the attacks shown relevant?
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
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