Yes, FAPI requires PKCE, which is great.  Many of its requirements come from 
OpenID Connect but some of them are intentionally incompatible – such as 
requiring that Basic authentication not be supported, whereas Connect requires 
that it be supported.  It’s a different ecosystem with different requirements.

Don’t get me wrong, I support PKCE where it makes sense, such as when you’re 
doing bare OAuth without OpenID Connect.  But trying to impose an unnecessary 
requirement on a working and secure ecosystem will just create grief for us and 
our customers and lessen our credibility as stewards of the OAuth ecosystem.

                                                       -- Mike

From: Aaron Parecki <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 12:29 PM
To: Steinar Noem <>
Cc: Phillip Hunt <>; Mike Jones 
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.1 - require PKCE?

I should add that even some OpenID Connect profiles require PKCE, such as FAPI:

So the precedent for requiring PKCE already exists within some OpenID Connect 

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 12:23 PM Aaron Parecki 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, and also, many of those providers very likely already support PKCE 
already. Skimming through that list of certified OPs, I recognize many names 
there from providers that I know support PKCE.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 12:18 PM Steinar Noem 
<<>> wrote:
So, wouldn't a MUST just mean that we would have some OPs that are 2.1 
compliant and some that aren't?

ons. 6. mai 2020 kl. 21:12 skrev Phillip Hunt 

The point of 2.1 is to raise the security bar..

Yes it adds new MUST requirements.

But what about OIDC would break other than required implementation of PKCE to 
support 2.1?

Eg Would additional signaling be required to facilitate interoperability and 
migration between versions? Would that be an oauth issue or an OIDC one?


On May 6, 2020, at 11:56 AM, Aaron Parecki 
<<>> wrote:

> In particular, authorization servers shouldn’t be required to support PKCE 
> when they already support the OpenID Connect nonce.

The Security BCP already requires that ASs support PKCE: 
Are you suggesting that the Security BCP change that requirement as well? If 
so, that's a discussion that needs to be had ASAP. If not, then that's an 
implicit statement that it's okay for OpenID Connect implementations to not be 
best-practice OAuth implementations. And if that's the case, then I also think 
it's acceptable that they are not complete OAuth 2.1 implementations either.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 11:21 AM Mike Jones 
The disadvantage of requiring PKCE for OpenID Connect implementations is that 
you’re trying to add a normative requirement that’s not required of OpenID 
Connect deployments today, which would bifurcate the ecosystem.  There are 
hundreds of implementations (including the 141 certified ones at, none of which have ever been required to 
support PKCE.  Therefore, most don’t.

Per feedback already provided, I believe that OAuth 2.1 should align with the 
guidance already in the draft Security BCP, requiring EITHER the use of PKCE or 
the OpenID Connect nonce.  Trying to retroactively impose unnecessary 
requirements on existing deployments is unlikely to succeed and will 
significantly reduce the relevance of the OAuth 2.1 effort.

In particular, authorization servers shouldn’t be required to support PKCE when 
they already support the OpenID Connect nonce.  And clients shouldn’t reject 
responses from servers that don’t support PKCE when they do contain the OpenID 
Connect nonce.  Doing so would unnecessarily break things and create confusion 
in the marketplace.

                                                          -- Mike

From: OAuth <<>> On Behalf 
Of Dick Hardt
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 10:48 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.1 - require PKCE?


We would like to have PKCE be a MUST in OAuth 2.1 code flows. This is best 
practice for OAuth 2.0. It is not common in OpenID Connect servers as the nonce 
solves some of the issues that PKCE protects against. We think that most OpenID 
Connect implementations also support OAuth 2.0, and hence have support for PKCE 
if following best practices.

The advantages or requiring PKCE are:

- a simpler programming model across all OAuth applications and profiles as 
they all use PKCE

- reduced attack surface when using  S256 as a fingerprint of the verifier is 
sent through the browser instead of the clear text value

- enforcement by AS not client - makes it easier to handle for client 
developers and AS can ensure the check is conducted

What are disadvantages besides the potential impact to OpenID Connect 
deployments? How significant is that impact?

Dick, Aaron, and Torsten

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Steinar Noem
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