My apologies for a tangent on an already-long thread...

On Fri, May 08, 2020 at 08:50:16AM +0200, Daniel Fett wrote:
> Yes, this will make a number of implementations non-spec-compliant, but
> I do not think that this is a huge problem. Software needs to adapt all
> the time and a software that has not been changed in a while is probably
> not one you would want to use anyway. We are setting a new goal for
> implementations to meet and eventually, maintained implementations will
> get there.

It's probably worth an occasional reminder that though this is true for the
web-facing software most of us work on, it's not actually universally true
for *all* software.  Things that are rated as safety-critical software, or
the SCADA systems running billion-dollar industrial processes that only
take downtime for hardware upgrades, are written in a rather different
ecosystem.  :)


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