Hi Vittorio,

draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt states in section 2.2.2:

This profile does not introduce any mechanism for a client to directly request the presence of specific claims in JWT access tokens,       as the authorization server can determine what additional claims are required by a particular resource server by taking in consideration       the client_id of the client, the scope and the resource parameters included in the request.

RFC 6750 states in section 3 :


    Use of the "scope" attribute is OPTIONAL. The "scope" value is intended for programmatic use and is not meant to be displayed to end-users.

This has the following consequence: the end-user is usually not able to know which attributes correspond to a scope (or to a missing scope). The only way to know is to look at the content of the token and the reason for doing this may be related a privacy consideration.

RFC 6749 states in section 1.4: "The string [access token] *is usually opaque* to the client". However, this sentence does not mean : "The client *MUST NOT* inspect the content of the access token". RFC 6749 does not contain a MUST, SHALL or SHOULD in the above quoted sentence. In such a situation,
we should not be "more royalist than the King"

Benjamin Kaduk wrote:

    "*I do in fact agree that token inspection by a client can be useful in at least some situations*".

This being stated, hereafter is a full text proposal replacement for the first paragraph (12 lines)
of the Privacy Considerations section (section 6):

    As indicated in RFC 6750, the "scope" value is intended for programmatic use and is not meant to be displayed to end-users.   This means that, even when the client uses the scope parameter, the end-user will usually have no knowledge of the attributes
   which correspond to the scope (or to a missing scope parameter).

   RFC 6749 mentions that the string [access token] is usually opaque to the client. Hence, the client will not necessarily be able    to inspect the content of the access token. As an example, an authorization server and a resource server might decide to change
   the access token format at any time.

   There are however cases, where the access token content presents privacy issues for a given scenario. In such cases,    the end-user would like to know which attributes have been placed in a token before forwarding it to a resource server.    If these attributes do not correspond to the expectations of the end-user or if the format of the access token is not understandable    by the client, then the client SHOULD NOT forward the access token to the resource server.


It’s not really an interop issue either, given that following or not following this requirement doesn’t alter the shape of messages or tokens. It’s more of an architectural requirement, which preserves the relationships between the OAuth2 roles involved and prevents the confusion that might arise by the availability of data that characterizes this particular scenario, but that doesn’t change the more general premises of the protocol. In terms of finding common ground, I am not sure if visions as diametrically opposed as pitting a MUST against a MUST NOT have much of an achievable common ground, especially given that the MUST NOT stance already passed consensus in the past year, and in more than one month of very public debate during last calls, the MUST side had mostly one backer and more than one opposed.

*From: *Jared Jennings <jaredljenni...@gmail.com>
*Date: *Monday, May 11, 2020 at 20:14
*To: *Vittorio Bertocci <vittorio.berto...@auth0.com>
*Cc: *Denis <denis.i...@free.fr>, Benjamin Kaduk <ka...@mit.edu>, "oauth@ietf.org" <oauth@ietf.org> *Subject: *Re: [OAUTH-WG] Second WGLC on "JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens"

Hi Vittorio,

Yeah, this does make a bit of sense. So, the goal is to guide implementors from making bad choices, not from a security perspective. Meaning, it's not a security risk that a client does inspect or analyze the token. Instead, it's is an interop issue and thus we are guiding implementors to never assume or expect the token format to be consistent or of a expected format, for various reasons. I kinda know the answer to this question, but I am kinda asking this way to help restate the intent of the "topic" and maybe help guide to a wording that works for everyone.

For example, as a consultant, it can be very helpful to know how to decompile or inspect an "Object", but at the same time knowing that such a method or practice should never be used in production.


    On May 11, 2020, at 19:24, Vittorio Bertocci
    <vittorio.berto...@auth0.com <mailto:vittorio.berto...@auth0.com>>

    Real world scenarios are full of situations where additional
    assumptions can lower dangers that must be taken in consideration
    in the general case, which might make less of a risk going against
    the spec/in those particular circumstances/, but their existence
    doesn’t warrant relaxing guidance for the general case. A concrete
    example: I worked on scenarios where resource servers wanted to
    guarantee some degree of business continuity in case of AS outage,
    which boiled down to RS’ willingness to accept ATs past their
    declared expiration time, on the condition that the AS outage
    condition was detectable and the staleness of the AT didn’t cross
    a tolerance threshold. The business scenario made sense, and the
    implementer was within their right in deciding that disregarding
    exp in those circumstances was acceptable. Nonetheless, I would
    not argue that given the existence of that scenario, rfc7519
    should turn its MUST NOT into a SHOULD NOT.

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