Works for me

From: OAuth <> On Behalf Of Aaron Parecki
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 2:44 PM
To: Phillip Hunt <>
Cc: OAuth WG <>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Incorporate or Reference RFC8628 Device Authorization 

I have a draft I'm about to publish after our recent discussions. One of the 
changes is adding an appendix that lists out a bunch of existing OAuth 
extensions, and the device grant is in there. I also replaced the "Extension 
Grants" example in section 4.3 
( with the 
device grant since that is deployed far wider than the SAML Assertion grant 
that was in that example in RFC6749. This will be published as version -03 in 
the next few days. Do you think that would be enough?

Aaron Parecki

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 2:39 PM Phillip Hunt 
<<>> wrote:
One of the use cases brought up in the ROPC thread mentioned that redirect was 
hard to do in some cases (like IoT). This reminded me of RFC8628, the OAuth 
Device Authorization Grant. I mention it because for *some* of the cases who 
say redirection is hard may be able to use the Device Authz Grant.

Would it be worth including a section in OAuth 2.1 referencing RFC8628 or, 
possibly incorporating it?

Phil Hunt

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