> On 8 Jul 2020, at 17:21, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> wrote:
>> On 8. Jul 2020, at 18:17, Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com> wrote:
>>> On 8 Jul 2020, at 15:40, Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>> The two-phase approach is exactly what OBUK does, where you get one access 
>>> token using client credentials before getting a more specific one in 
>>> context of the user’s consent. This ends up being awkward to implement at 
>>> best, since OAuth involves the user too early in the process to allow for 
>>> this kind of thing. PAR might help address this dichotomy, but RAR can 
>>> provide places for this to fill in.
>> I’m not sure how client credentials would help here. The point I’m making is 
>> that the _user_ needs to consent to two separate things:
>> 1. An initial consent to allow this app/service to initiate payment requests 
>> on my behalf.
> What in particular should the use consent with in this step?

“FooPay would like to:
 - initiate payments from your account (you will be asked to approve each one)”

The point is that a client that I don’t have any kind of relationship with 
can’t just send me a request to transfer $500 to some account. 

>> 2. Consent to individual transactions.
>> RAR (and open banking?) completely omits step 1 at the moment, which seems 
>> crucial. Especially if you’re doing something like CIBA backchannel where 
>> step 1 is effectively consent for this app to spam my phone with payment 
>> approval requests.
>>> With XYZ, I tried to design for that kind of multi-stage transaction 
>>> pattern more explicitly, with the idea that you could continue your request 
>>> in context and vary it over time, or even start a new request in the 
>>> context of an existing one. This is something that I intend to continue 
>>> with the soon-to-be-formed GNAP working group, if you want to bring this 
>>> use case there.
>> RAR is adopted by the OAuth WG so I think this needs to be discussed here.
>> — Neil
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