
I conducted an another AD review of 
draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-09.  As background, -07 of this 
document went to IESG Review and the document was brought back to the WG to 
address the DISCUSS points.  

Below is my feedback which can be addressed concurrently with IETF LC.

** Section 5.  I want to clarify what are the permissible members of 
token_introspection.  The two relevant text snippets seem to be:

(a) "token_introspection  A JSON object containing the members of the
           token introspection response, as specified in the "OAuth
           Token Introspection Response" registry established by
           [RFC7662] as well as other members."

(b) "Claims from the "JSON Web Token Claims" registry that are
           commonly used in [OpenID.Core] and can be applied to the
           resource owner MAY be included as members in the
           "token_introspection" claim."

-- Per (a), Recommend citing the IANA sub-registry directly -- 
 (and not the "as specified in the "OAuth Token Introspection Response" 
registry established by [RFC7662]")

-- Per (a), "... as well as other members", what members is this referencing?  
Is that (b)?  Recommend being clear upfront on which exact registries are the 
sources of valid members.

-- Per (b), "... commonly used in [OpenId.Core]", what are those specifically?  
Is that claims registered in 
https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml#claims whose reference is 
[OpenID Connect Core 1.0]?  Recommend being unambiguous in which claims are 
permitted by pointing the IANA registry.

-- If I'm understanding right that the source comes either from 
oauth-parameters.xhtml#token-introspection-response or jwt.xhtml#claims, what 
happens if it isn't one of those?

** Section 5.  Per " The AS MUST ensure the release of any privacy-sensitive 
data is legally based", recommend also including a forward reference to Section 


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