I gone draft this section.

> Am 29.08.2020 um 17:22 schrieb Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu>:
> I completely agree with the utility of the function in question here and it 
> needs to be included. I’m in favor of creating a dedicated section for 
> redirect_uri management, so that we can explain exactly how and why to relax 
> the requirement from core OAuth. In addition, I think we want to discuss that 
> the AS might have its own restrictions on which redirect URIs an 
> authenticated client might be able to use. For example, registering a client 
> with a Redirect URI prefix, or allowing only a query parameter to vary at 
> runtime. All of these can be enforced in PAR because the client is presenting 
> its authentication, as you point out, so the AS can determine which policies 
> should apply.
> — Justin
>>> On Aug 29, 2020, at 7:52 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>   ¶6: Does the AS really have "the ability to authenticate and authorize 
>>> clients”? I think what we mean here is "the ability to authenticate clients 
>>> and validate client requests”, but I’m not positive of the intent. 
>>> I think the intent is that the AS can check whether a client is authorized 
>>> to make a particular authorization request (specific scopes, response type, 
>>> etc.). But checking authorization to request authorization is confusing 
>>> wording. I think your working is less confusing and still allows for the 
>>> intent. 
>>> I'll let Torsten interject if he feels differently as I think he originally 
>>> wrote the text in question. 
>> that was the original intent. I think “validate" is fine. 
>>>   ¶7: I’m not sure I buy this example. Even if the clientID is managed 
>>> externally, the association with a set or pattern of allowed redirect URIs 
>>> is still important, and the AS will need to know what that is. I think this 
>>> example could lead an AS developer to (erroneously and dangerously) 
>>> conclude that they don’t have to check any other values in a request, 
>>> including scope and redirect URI. It’s important that DynReg doesn’t 
>>> alleviate that issue, but removal of DynReg doesn’t really change things in 
>>> that regard. Suggest removing example or reworking paragraph.
>>> I'm going to have to defer to Torsten on this because, to be honest, I'm 
>>> not too sure about it myself. I tend to lean towards thinking the draft 
>>> would be better off without it.
>> In the traditional authorization flow, the redirect_uri serves as way to 
>> make sure the AS is really talking to the legit client and the allowed 
>> redirect_uri values are determined by the legit client at registration time 
>> (might be manually).
>> With PAR, we have a much stronger means to ensure the AS is talking to the 
>> legit client. That’s why I don’t see an issue with letting the client set a 
>> per transaction redirect_uri. This will give the client more flexibility 
>> (mint AS-specific redirect URIs on the fly) and makes client management much 
>> easier since redirect URIs are the most volatile part of a client policy. 
>> It also makes use of OAuth much easier in deployments where client 
>> identities are managed by external entities (even without any idea of 
>> OAuth). A prominent example is open banking in the EU (aka PSD2). The 
>> (technical) identity of any PSD2-licensed client is asserted by an eIDAS 
>> compliant CA in a special X.509 certificate. Those certificates contain the 
>> permissions (access to account information and/or payment initiation 
>> allowed) and the identity (member state specific). But they don’t contain 
>> OAuth policy values. Nevertheless, the regulation requires any financial 
>> institution in the EU to at runtime, without any registration, to accept and 
>> process calls from any licensed PSD2 clients.
>> There are two ways to cope with it in OAuth context:
>> a) use dynamic client registration with the X.509 cert as credential. 
>> Unfortunately, RFC 7591 does not support other client authentication means 
>> then an initial access token. Beside that, it would violate the text of the 
>> regulation. 
>> b) establish a redirect URL with every transaction. This is the recommended 
>> approach in at least one of the PSD2 specs.
>> PAR is a clean way to solve that problem. 
>> I don’t want this text to cause confusing. On the other hand this potential 
>> of PAR is way too important to not mention it at all. What about moving it 
>> into a special section "redirect_uri management”?

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