It took me some time to warm to the ECDH based idea but I do think it has a
lot of merit. For whatever it's worth, I put the idea forth as one
potential path forward during the general PoP interim meeting back in March
slide 8) but the WG consensus was to pursue a signature style PoP for the
current efforts, which was followed not long after by WG adoption of DPoP.
I could potentially see an ECDH-style-POP effort making a resurgence in the
future. But it's fundamentally pretty different.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 4:03 AM Neil Madden <>

> I agree with Daniel that I’d be a bit wary of assuming that this could
> never be exploited. For example, a server-side web app that signs DPoP
> proofs on behalf of client-side Javascript (to keep the key safe on the
> server) and reuses the key for different users could be a risk.
> IMO this is another symptom of the general issue of using signatures for
> authentication - they are too strong for the job. The fact that a signature
> is equally valid to all parties and at all times means you have to be very
> careful to include enough context in the signature calculation to ensure
> all these kinds of attacks are eliminated. And you have to ensure that all
> RSes check the context.
> Contrast that to my suggestion to use ECDH [1], which was already immune
> to such attacks by including the access token in the key derivation step.
> (And in such a way that requires no additional data on the wire and is
> almost impossible for the RS not to verify). Even without including the
> access token in the KDF, the attack could only happen if the client reused
> its key and the RS reused a challenge key pair.
> Macaroon access tokens [2] are also immune to this attack, as in that case
> the constraints that go in the DPoP proof are directly attached to the
> access token itself so there is no way to reuse them separately.
> (Interestingly, macaroons have a more direct analogue of DPoP in the form
> of discharge macaroons. Such discharge macaroons are required to be
> “prepared” before use, which cryptographically binds them to the equivalent
> of the access token - so this kind of attack was also considered and
> addressed there).
> [1]:
> [2]:
> — Neil
> On 24 Nov 2020, at 09:38, Daniel Fett <> wrote:
> Thanks Justin for bringing this to our attention.
> Right now, I don't think that this is a big problem and I wasn't able to
> come up with a way to improve the attack. I hope that it doesn't come back
> to haunt us when somebody does a more in-depth analysis...
> That said, the lack of binding to the access token makes it easier to
> precompute proofs if somebody has a limited code execution opportunity in
> the client. We have this paragraph in the spec:
>    Malicious XSS code executed in the context of the browser-based
>    client application is also in a position to create DPoP proofs with
>    timestamp values in the future and exfiltrate them in conjunction
>    with a token.  These stolen artifacts can later be used together
>    independent of the client application to access protected resources.
>    The impact of such precomputed DPoP proofs can be limited somewhat by
>    a browser-based client generating and using a new DPoP key for each
>    new authorization code grant.
> The recommendation could be to use a fresh key pair for each token request.
> -Daniel
> Am 20.11.20 um 20:26 schrieb Justin Richer:
> While working on an implementation of DPoP recently, I realized that the 
> value of the access token itself is not covered by the DPoP signature at all. 
> What I’m wondering is whether or not this constitutes an attack surface that 
> we care about here. Here’s how it works:
> Let’s say that a client creates a DPoP key and uses that key to request two 
> tokens, T1 and T2, for different users, Alice and Bob, respectively. Alice is 
> malicious and wants to get Bob’s stuff. Alice manages to get a hold of Bob’s 
> token value, T2, through some means. Normally DPoP wouldn’t let Alice create 
> a new request using T2 since Alice doesn’t have the client’s key. However, if 
> Alice gets the client to create a request for her using T1, she can copy the 
> signature from that request onto a new request using T2. Since the signature 
> doesn’t cover the token value and the key is the same, the RS should accept 
> both requests, right?
> An important aspect is that the parts needed to make this attack work are a 
> little weird: you’d need access to a valid signed request from the client 
> with T1 as well as access to a valid T2 attached to the same key in order to 
> make this substitution. However, this is effectively the same attack area 
> that bearer tokens have in a lot of ways, since it doesn’t require the 
> attacker gaining access to the singing key to generate or modify a signature, 
> nor does it require the attacker to generate or modify an access token 
> (merely obtain one).
> I’d like to understand if this is an actual attack against DPoP. If it isn’t, 
> how is it countered by DPoP today? If it is, do we discuss in the DPoP draft? 
> I didn’t see a mention of it there. If it’s not, should we discuss it there?
> The old OAuth PoP draft mitigates this attack by putting the access token 
> itself inside the signature body instead of a second header. Another option 
> would be to include a hash of the token value (such as OIDC’s “at_hash” 
> method used in ID Tokens) in the DPoP payload. With either of these 
> approaches, Alice having access to T1, T2, and a signed message for T1 does 
> not allow her to use T2 effectively.
>  — Justin
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