
I just focus on web security and understand the risk of XSS well. It seems to me that many of the designers of OAuth 2 do not have a web security background and keep trying to address XSS with add-ons without success.

- Jim

On 12/11/20 2:01 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:
I think that puts Jim in the XSS Nihilism camp :)

Implicit type flows are being deprecated/discouraged. But keeping tokens out of browsers doesn't seem likely. There is some menton of CSP in <>

On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 4:10 PM Jim Manico < <>> wrote:

    The basic theme from the web attacker community is:

    1) XSS is a game over event to web clients. XSS can steal or abuse
    (request forgery) tokens, and more.

    2) Even if you prevent stolen tokens from being used outside of a
    web client, XSS still allows the attacker to force a user to make
    any request in a fraudulent way, abusing browser based tokens as a
    form of request forgery.

    3) There are advanced measures to stop a token from being stolen
    from a web client, like a HTTPonly cookies and to a lesser degree,
    JS Closures and Webworkers.

    4) However, these measures to protect cookies are mostly moot.
    Attackers can just force clients to make fraudulent requests.

    5) Many recommend the BFF pattern to hide tokens on the back end,
    but still, request forgery via XSS allows all kinds of abuse.

    XSS is game over no matter how you slice it.

    Crypto solutions do not help. Perhaps the world of OAuth can start
    suggesting that web clients use CSP 3.0 in specific ways, if you
    still plan to support Implicit type flows or tokens in browsers?


    - Jim

    On 12/9/20 12:57 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:
    Thanks Philippe, I very much concur with your line of reasoning
    and the important considerations. The scenario I was thinking of
    is: browser based client where XSS is used to exfiltrate the
    refresh token along with pre-computed proofs that would allow for
    the RT to be exchanged for new access tokens and also
    pre-computed proofs that would work with those access tokens for
    resource access. With the pre-computed proofs that would allow
    prolonged (as long as the RT is valid) access to protected
    resources even when the victim is offline. Is that a concrete
    attack scenario? I mean, kind of. It's pretty convoluted/complex.
    And while an access token hash would reign it in somewhat (ATs
    obtained from the stolen RT wouldn't be usable) it's hard to say
    if the cost is worth the benefit.

    On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 11:47 PM Philippe De Ryck
    <>> wrote:

        Yeah, browser-based apps are pure fun, aren’t they? :)

        The reason I covered a couple of (pessimistic) XSS scenarios
        is that the discussion started with an assumption that the
        attacker already successfully exploited an XSS vulnerability.
        I pointed out how, at that point, finetuning DPoP proof
        contents will have little to no effect to stop an attack. I
        believe it is important to make this very clear, to avoid
        people turning to DPoP as a security mechanism for
        browser-based applications.

        Specifically to your question on including the hash in the
        proof, I think these considerations are important:

        1. Does the inclusion of the AT hash stop a concrete attack
        2. Is the “cost” (implementation, getting it right, …) worth
        the benefits?

        Here’s my view on these considerations (*/specifically for
        browser-based apps, not for other types of applications/*):

        1. The proof precomputation attack is already quite complex,
        and short access token lifetimes already reduce the window of
        attack. If the attacker can steal a future AT, they could
        also precompute new proofs then.
        2. For browser-based apps, it seems that doing this
        complicates the implementation, without adding much benefit.
        Of course, libraries could handle this, which significantly
        reduces the cost.

        Note that these comments are specifically to complicating the
        spec and implementation. DPoP’s capabilities of using
        sender-constrained access tokens are still useful to counter
        various other scenarios (e.g., middleboxes or APIs abusing
        access tokens). If other applications would significantly
        benefit from having the hash in the proof, I’m all for it.

        On a final note, I would be happy to help clear up the
        details on web-based threats and defenses if necessary.

        *Pragmatic Web Security*
        /Security for developers/

        On 8 Dec 2020, at 22:47, Brian Campbell
        <>> wrote:

        Danial recently added some text to the working copy of the
        draft with
        that I think aims to better convey the "nutshell: XSS = Game
        over" sentiment and maybe dissuade folks from looking to
        DPoP as a cure-all for browser based applications.
        Admittedly a lot of the initial impetus behind producing the
        draft in the first place was born out of discussions around
        browser based apps. But it's neither specific to browser
        based apps nor a panacea for them. I hope the language in
        the document and how it's recently been presented is
        reflective of that reality.

        The more specific discussions/recommendations around
        in-browser apps are valuable (if somewhat over my head) but
        might be more appropriate in the OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based

        With respect to the contents of the DPoP draft, I am still
        keen to try and flush out some consensus around the question
        posed in the start of this thread, which is effectively
        whether or not to include a hash of the access token in the
        proof.  Acknowledging that "XSS = Game over" does sort of
        evoke a tendency to not even bother with such incremental
        protections (what I've tried to humorously coin as "XSS
        Nihilism" with no success). And as such, I do think that
        leaving it how it is (no AT hash in the proof) is not
        unreasonable. But, as Filip previously articulated,
        including the AT hash in the proof would prevent potentially
        prolonged access to protected resources even when the victim
        is offline. And that seems maybe worthwhile to have in the
        protocol, given that it's not a huge change to the spec. But
        it's a trade-off either way and I'm personally on the fence
        about it.

        Including an RT hash in the proof seems more niche. Best I
        can tell, it would guard against prolonged offline access to
        protected resources when access tokens are bearer and the RT
        was DPoP-bound and also gets rotated. The trade-off there
        seems less worth it (I think an RT hash would be more
        awkward in the protocol too).

        On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 5:40 AM Philippe De Ryck
        <>> wrote:

            The suggestion to use a web worker to ensure that
            proofs cannot be pre-computed is a good one I think.
            (You could also use a sandboxed iframe for a separate
            sub/sibling-domain -

            An iframe with a different origin would also work (not
            really sandboxing, as that implies the use of the
            sandbox attribute to enforce behavioral restrictions).
            The downside of an iframe is the need to host additional
            HTML, vs a script file for the worker, but the effect is
            indeed the same.

            For scenario 4, I think this only works if the attacker
            can trick/spoof the AS into using their redirect_uri?
            Otherwise the AC will go to the legitimate app which
            will reject it due to mismatched state/PKCE. Or are you
            thinking of XSS on the redirect_uri itself? I think
            probably a good practice is that the target of a
            redirect_uri should be a very minimal and locked down
            page to avoid this kind of possibility. (Again, using a
            separate sub-domain to handle tokens and DPoP seems
            like a good idea).

            My original thought was to use a silent flow with Web
            Messaging. The scenario would go as follows:

            1. Setup a Web Messaging listener to receive the
            incoming code
            2. Create a hidden iframe with the DOM APIs
            3. Create an authorization request such as
            4. Load this URL in the iframe, and wait for the result
            5. Retrieve code in the listener, and use PKCE (+ DPoP
            if needed) to exchange it for tokens

            This puts the attacker in full control over every aspect
            of the flow, so no need to manipulate any of the parameters.

            After your comment, I also believe an attacker can run
            the same scenario without the
            “/response_mode=web_message/”. This would go as follows:

            1. Create a hidden iframe with the DOM APIs
            2. Setup polling to read the URL (this will be possible
            for same-origin pages, not for cross-origin pages)
            3. Create an authorization request such as
            4. Load this URL in the iframe, and keep polling
            5. Detect the redirect back to the application with the
            code in the URL, retrieve code, and use PKCE (+ DPoP if
            needed) to exchange it for tokens

            In step 5, the application is likely to also try to
            exchange the code. This will fail due to a mismatching
            PKCE verifier. While noisy, I don’t think it affects the

            IMO, the online attack scenario (i.e., proxying
            malicious requests through the victim’s browser) is
            quite appealing to an attacker, despite the apparent

             - the victim’s browser may be inside a corporate
            firewall or VPN, allowing the attacker to effectively
            bypass these restrictions
             - the attacker’s traffic is mixed in with the user’s
            own requests, making them harder to distinguish or to block

            Overall, DPoP can only protect against XSS to the same
            level as HttpOnly cookies. This is not nothing, but it
            means it only prevents relatively naive attacks. Given
            the association of public key signatures with strong
            authentication, people may have overinflated
            expectations if DPoP is pitched as an XSS defence.

            Yes, in the cookie world this is known as “Session
            Riding”. Having the worker for token isolation would
            make it possible to enforce a coarse-grained policy on
            outgoing requests to prevent total abuse of the AT.

            My main concern here is the effort of doing DPoP in a
            browser versus the limited gains. It may also give a
            false sense of security.

            With all this said, I believe that the AS can lock down
            its configuration to reduce these attack vectors. A few
            initial ideas:

            1. Disable silent flows for SPAs using RT rotation
            2. Use the sec-fetch headers to detect and reject
            non-silent iframe-based flows

            For example,  an OAuth 2.0 flow in an iframe in
            Brave/Chrome carries these headers:
            sec-fetch-dest: iframe
            sec-fetch-mode: navigate
            sec-fetch-site: cross-site
            sec-fetch-user: ?1


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-- Jim Manico
    Manicode Security  <>

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