
Thanks for this. I am pleased the HTTPbis group took this up. It is a multi-WG 
issue that needs their expertise. 

I look forward to reading the new draft.



> On Apr 29, 2021, at 8:34 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Many of you will remember an old draft that I was the editor of that defined 
> OAuth proof of possession methods using HTTP Message Signing. When writing 
> that draft I invented my own scheme because there wasn’t an existing HTTP 
> message signature standard that was robust enough for our use cases. I’m 
> happy to say that the landscape has changed: Annabelle Backman and I have 
> been working in the HTTP Working Group on HTTP Message Signatures, a 
> general-purpose HTTP signing draft with a lot of power and a lot of 
> flexibility. There’s even a relatively straightforward way to map 
> JOSE-defined signature algorithms into this (even though, to be clear, it is 
> not JOSE-based). The current draft is here:
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures-04.html
> This draft has gone through a lot of change in the last few months, but we, 
> the editors, believe that it’s at a fairly stable place in terms of the core 
> functioning of the protocol now. It’s not finished yet, but we think that any 
> changes that come from here will be smaller in scope, more of a cleanup and 
> clarification than the deep invasive surgery that has happened up until now.
> One of the things about this draft is that, on its own, it is not sufficient 
> for a security protocol. By design it needs some additional details on where 
> to get key materials, how to negotiate algorithms, what fields need to be 
> covered by the signature, etc. I am proposing that we in the OAuth WG replace 
> the long-since-expired OAuth PoP working group draft with a new document 
> based on HTTP Message Signatures. I believe that this document can be 
> relatively short and to the point, given that much of the mechanics would be 
> defined in the HTTP draft. If this is something we would like to do in the 
> WG, I am volunteering to write the updated draft.
> I also want to be very clear that I still believe that this lives beside 
> DPoP, and that DPoP should continue even as we pick this back up. In fact, I 
> think that this work would take some pressure off of DPoP and allow it to be 
> the streamlined point solution that it was originally intended to be.
> If the chairs would like, I would also be happy to discuss this at an interim 
> meeting.
>  — Justin
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