We need to come up with a better argument such as: This allows a client to 
reduce use of the token to a smaller window to where the signature is also 

We have one: prevent unauthorized parties from using access tokens. Since a 
client's signing key never needs to leave the client's system, requiring a 
signature over the `Authorization` header raises the bar from "read an access 
token out of a server log" to "compromise the client itself." Additionally, 
Message Signatures defines an optional `nonce` parameter that can be used by 
the recipient of the message to enforce one-time usage of a signature, meaning 
that a signature cannot be replayed in another request, even if the signed 
message components are the same as in the original request.

 I reject the use of an additional header to transmit additional authorization 
information. Due to the nature of this information may be conveyed and stored 
throughout a number of systems which would all need access to this complexity. 
As headers and authorization evolves the introduction and replacement of 
existing headers provides additional security vulnerabilities.

I'm not sure I follow the concern here. I agree that this adds complexity. 
While there are many use cases for which this complexity/security tradeoff is 
worth it, this will not be the case for every OAuth 2.0 deployment out there.

The draft does not support multiple clients with access to the access token who 
all should be able to provide different client signatures and all be verifiable 
by the RS.

Access tokens are not intended to be used by multiple clients. They may be used 
by multiple hosts/devices, for example if the client is a distributed system 
running on multiple hosts. Different hosts within such a client could use 
different keys, provided they are all identified in the JWKS the client 
registers with the AS.

This forces the RS to lookup two pieces of information in the case of signed 
JWTs, the JWKs from the AS and the JWKs from the client

Yes, however this could be changed. For example, the AS could embed the 
client's public key in the access token JWT, so the RS only has to retrieve the 
AS key. That comes with its own set of tradeoffs, but this is likely not the 
only solution – it's just the one I came up with while writing this email. :)

That's the thing about adopting a draft: once the Working Group adopts it, the 
Working Group gets to change it to cover all the use cases and requirements 
that the original author didn't think of. "The draft doesn't cover my use case" 
is really an argument for adoption.

Annabelle Backman (she/her)

On Oct 7, 2021, at 3:08 AM, Warren Parad 

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I do not support adoption.

While I love the idea to be able to restrict the usage of the access token by 
the client, enabling longer expiry access tokens, and preventing usage to 
perform unexpected actions with that token, the reasons I do not support the 
adoption are as follows:

* The draft depends on another draft and personally not one that I even agree 
with. Saying that the "draft is officially adopted" doesn't justify depending 
on it.
* I reject the use of an additional header to transmit additional authorization 
information. Due to the nature of this information may be conveyed and stored 
throughout a number of systems which would all need access to this complexity. 
As headers and authorization evolves the introduction and replacement of 
existing headers provides additional security vulnerabilities.
* The draft does not support multiple clients with access to the access token 
who all should be able to provide different client signatures and all be 
verifiable by the RS.
* This forces the RS to lookup two pieces of information in the case of signed 
JWTs, the JWKs from the AS and the JWKs from the client
* The argument in the introduction is flawed

Bearer tokens are simple to implement but also have the significant security 
downside of allowing anyone who sees the access token to use that token.

This is not a complete argument because I can replace the words in the sentence 
and justify that HTTPSig should never be used by the same argument:
HTTPSig tokens are incredibly complex to implement but also have the 
significant security downside of allowing anyone who sees the access token and 
signature to use that token.

We need to come up with a better argument such as: This allows a client to 
reduce use of the token to a smaller window to where the signature is also 
That would allow us to better focus on the value that the RFC would provide, 
rather than getting stuck with arbitrary implementation of another RFC draft as 
it would apply to OAuth.


Warren Parad
Founder, CTO

Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement 

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 11:03 AM Denis 
<denis.i...@free.fr<mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>> wrote:
I am not supportive of adoption of this document by the WG at this time.

As I said during the last interim meeting, at this time, there is no security 
considerations section, nor a privacy considerations section.

The current draft describes a mechanism but does not state how the signing key 
will be established and / or come from.

From a security considerations point of view, if the client has the control of 
the private key, it might be able to voluntary transmit
the private key to another client in order to mount a client collaborative 
attack. If the client is unable to transmit the private key
to another client in order to mount a collaborative attack, it might be able to 
perform all the cryptographic computations that
the other client needs. It is important to state which protections (or 
detection) features will be obtained as well as which protections
(or detection) features will not be obtained. A top-down approach is currently 

From a privacy considerations point of view, if the same public key is used to 
sign the messages whatever the RS is, this will allow
different RSs to link the requests from the same client. It is important to 
state which protections (or detection) features will be obtained
as well as which protections (or detection) features will not be obtained.

Let us wait to have both the security considerations section and the privacy 
considerations section written,
before adopting this draft as a WG document.


Remember token binding? It was a stable draft. The OAuth WG spent a bunch of 
cycles building on top of token binding, but token binding did not get 
deployed, so no token binding for OAuth.

As I mentioned, I think Justin and Annabelle (and anyone else interested) can 
influence HTTP Sig to cover OAuth use cases.



On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:48 PM Aaron Parecki 
<aa...@parecki.com<mailto:aa...@parecki.com>> wrote:
This actually seems like a great time for the OAuth group to start working on 
this more closely given the relative stability of this draft as well as the 
fact that it is not yet an RFC. This is a perfect time to be able to influence 
the draft if needed, rather than wait for it to be finalized and then have to 
find a less-than-ideal workaround for something unforeseen.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:25 PM Dick Hardt 
<dick.ha...@gmail.com<mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I meant it is not yet adopted as an RFC.

To be clear, I think you are doing great work on the HTTP Sig doc, and a number 
of concerns I have with HTTP signing have been addressed => I just think that 
doing work in the OAuth WG on a moving and unproven draft in the HTTP WG is not 
a good use of resources in the OAuth WG at this time.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:20 PM Justin Richer 
<jric...@mit.edu<mailto:jric...@mit.edu>> wrote:
> HTTP Sig looks very promising, but it has not been adopted as a draft

Just to be clear, the HTTP Sig draft is an official adopted document of the 
HTTP Working Group since about a year ago. I would not have suggested we depend 
on it for a document within this WG otherwise.

 — Justin

On Oct 6, 2021, at 5:08 PM, Dick Hardt 
<dick.ha...@gmail.com<mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I am not supportive of adoption of this document at this time.

I am supportive of the concepts in the document. Building upon existing, widely 
used, proven security mechanisms gives us better security.

HTTP Sig looks very promising, but it has not been adopted as a draft, and as 
far as I know, it is not widely deployed.

We should wait to do work on extending HTTP Sig for OAuth until it has 
stabilized and proven itself in the field. We have more than enough work to do 
in the WG now, and having yet-another PoP mechanism is more likely to confuse 
the community at this time.

An argument to adopt the draft would be to ensure HTTP Sig can be used in OAuth.
Given Justin and Annabelle are also part of the OAuth community, I'm sure they 
will be considering how HTTP Sig can apply to OAuth, so the overlap is serving 
us already.



On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:04 PM Aaron Parecki 
<aa...@parecki.com<mailto:aa...@parecki.com>> wrote:
I support adoption of this document.

- Aaron

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:02 PM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
<rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com<mailto:rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:

As a followup on the interim meeting today, this is a call for adoption for the 
OAuth Proof of Possession Tokens with HTTP Message Signature draft as a WG 

Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by October 20th.

 Rifaat & Hannes

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