I don't think this is actually the best place to reference, but S256
already exists in the registry established by RFC7636 (PKCE):


The other place these similar strings appear are FIDO, which also
references PKCE for the naming convention:


I thought I had remembered these strings being defined somewhere in NIST,
but I can't find that reference anymore.

Maybe it does make sense to establish this registry in the OAuth WG that
could be referenced by any related spec that needs them? OAuth 2.1 could
reference it as well.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 5:33 PM Mike Jones <Michael.Jones=
40microsoft....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Kristina and I spoke about it today and we agreed that it makes sense to
> make the hash algorithm explicit.  So for instance, we’d propose that the
> example
> urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs
> become
> urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:S256:NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs
> when using the SHA-256 hash function.
> Similarly, we’d propose to also define S384, S512, and possibly also
> S3-256, S3-384, and S3-512 (for the SHA-3 hash functions).
> For extra credit, if there’s already an IANA registry with string names
> for these hash functions, we’d consider using it.  I looked for one and
> surprisingly didn’t find it.  Or we could create one.
>                                                        Thanks all,
>                                                        -- Mike & Kristina
> *From:* OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of * Mike Jones
> *Sent:* Friday, February 4, 2022 7:30 AM
> *To:* oauth@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for JWK Thumbprint URI document
> Neil, thanks for your review.  First, you wrote:
> > Using a (hash of a) public key as an identifier is an idea that has
> historically been subject to various attacks such as unknown key share
> attacks, as well as issues due to malleable signature schemes or key
> exchange schemes - where the same proof of identity is valid under many
> public keys. The security considerations should mention these issues, and
> potential suggest countermeasures (eg including the full public key JWK in
> the input to be signed etc).
> I’m not all that familiar with the attacks you’re referencing.  Is there I
> write-up on them that you could refer me and the other working group
> members to so we can better understand them?  And ideally, could you write
> up a paragraph or two on them that you’d like us to include in the Security
> Considerations?
> Second, you asked that the hash algorithm be made explicit, as did
> Vladimir.  I’ll consult with Kristina on that today and respond to that
> suggestion in a subsequent message.
>                                                        Thanks again,
>                                                        -- Mike
> *From:* OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of *Vladimir Dzhuvinov
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 3, 2022 11:00 PM
> *To:* oauth@ietf.org
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for JWK Thumbprint URI document
> The original JWK thumbprint RFC 7638 essentially describes the method for
> composing the hash input from a JWK and that the output is base64url
> encoded. SHA-256 is mentioned, but there is no default implied hash
> function. This leaves it to applications / other specs to determine.
> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7638.html#section-3.4
> The URN gives us now a natural possibility to encode the hash function
> alongside the fact that it's a JWK thumbprint, so let's include it. This
> will make things more explicit and self-contained.
> What do the authors think about this possibility?
> ~Vladimir
> Vladimir Dzhuvinov
> On 04/02/2022 01:47, Neil Madden wrote:
> The draft doesn’t specify which hash function is being used. I assume it
> is SHA-256, but it should either say that is the only algorithm allowed or
> perhaps encode the hash algorithm into the URI. Otherwise the value is
> ambiguous.
> Using a (hash of a) public key as an identifier is an idea that has
> historically been subject to various attacks such as unknown key share
> attacks, as well as issues due to malleable signature schemes or key
> exchange schemes - where the same proof of identity is valid under many
> public keys. The security considerations should mention these issues, and
> potential suggest countermeasures (eg including the full public key JWK in
> the input to be signed etc).
> — Neil
> On 2 Feb 2022, at 12:19, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>
> <rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> The *JWK Thumbprint URI *document is a simple and
> straightforward specification.
> This is a WG Last Call for this document:
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-oauth-jwk-thumbprint-uri-00.html
> Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by *Feb 16th*.
> Regards,
>  Rifaat & Hannes
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