I just want to make a quick comment on the use of "proximity and location information". I used the device flow to authorize my son's device by having him text me the code so I could login on my device (in a different state) and provide his device access. If we close the door too much we will potentially impact good users :)

I agree that consent can be socially engineered... but think that it would be useful to improve that information so that the user authenticating to provide authorization could know where the device their authorizing is located. That could help users detecting that they are authorizing a device in a location that doesn't make sense to them.


On 3/18/22 8:21 AM, Pieter Kasselman wrote:

Hi Brock

Great point, and I would agree that better consent screens could help, but I don’t think it is sufficient.

One of the challenges with consent screens is that it makes assumptions about the users abilities when they are being asked to make decisions about things they do not fully appreciate or understand. In addition, they are in a rush, are often trying to be helpful and prone to grant consent (the framing in these social engineering attacks can be very persuasive). Even users who are aware of these exploits and understand the systems they interact with are prone to be misled. Better guidance on the consent screen is definitely something we should provide.

I do think there is a defence in depth strategy that can reduce risk by (1) avoiding asking the user for a decision by making back-end risk decisions (2) augmenting the information presented to the user when making the decisions and (3) mitigating against a decision made in error.

Proximity and location information can for instance be used to bind user codes to specific locations or inform the user on where the user code was first presented, device status and/or location may be used to make decisions on whether to allow device code flows to be used in the first place and use of token binding (e.g. DPoP) may help defend against attackers who are able to exfiltrate tokens from a device and make lateral attacks.

Anything we can do to encourage implementor to ask users to make fewer decision, help them make better decisions and then protecting them in case of a bad decision will help drive down risk.



*From:*Brock Allen <brockal...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Thursday 17 March 2022 21:25
*To:* Pieter Kasselman <pieter.kassel...@microsoft.com>; oauth@ietf.org
*Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: [OAUTH-WG] Device Authorization Grant and Illicit Consent Exploits

I watched one of those videos and it seems to be that a proper consent screen would have been the best and easiest line of defense. Is there something more to the attacks where a better consent page (or any consent page for that matter) would not have been sufficient?


    On 3/17/2022 5:10:35 PM, Pieter Kasselman
    <pieter.kasselman=40microsoft....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

    Hi All

    One of the agenda items for IETF 113 is the device authorization
    grant flow (aka device code flow), scheduled for Thursday 24 March
    2022.  Before the meeting, I wanted to share a bit more
    information for those interested in the topic and also give those
    who are unable to attend in person an opportunity to participate
    in the conversation.

    The Device Authorization Grant Flow (RFC 8682)
    an important problem by enabling authorization flows on devices
    that are unable to support a browsers or have limited input
    capabilities. However, looking back over the past 18-24 months,
    there have been a number of practical exploits published that use
    social engineering techniques applied to the device authorization
    grant flow.

    The goal of the session at IETF 113 is to discuss the patterns of
    the exploits that are known and start a conversation on what (if
    anything) we should do, based on what we are learning.

    These exploits follow a general man-in-the-middle (MITM) pattern,
    where the attacker:

     1. Initiates the Device Authorization Grant flow on a device
        under their control,
     2. Presents the user code in a context that the end-user is
        likely to act on (using social engineering techniques), and
     3. Once the user grants access, retrieves the access and refresh
        tokens and uses them to access the user’s resources.

    Some of the exploits are described here for those interested in
    more detail:

     1. The Art of the Device Code Phish - Boku (0xboku.com)
     2. Microsoft 365 OAuth Device Code Flow and Phishing | Optiv

         1. optiv/Microsoft365_devicePhish: A proof-of-concept script
            to conduct a phishing attack abusing Microsoft 365 OAuth
            Authorization Flow (github.com)

     3. Introducing a new phishing technique for compromising Office
        365 accounts (o365blog.com)
     4. DEF CON 29 - Jenko Hwong - New Phishing Attacks Exploiting
        OAuth Authentication Flows - YouTube

    In terms of a response, there are a few options that come to mind
    (these are not exhaustive, I would love to see what others have in
    mind as well):

     1. Do nothing: We can choose to leave everything as is. The
        downside of this is that the lessons we are learning are not
        getting disseminated or resulting in reduced risks.
     2. Update the recommendations: We can document the social
        engineering exploits and recommend some additional mitigations
        as well as recommendations in terms of use cases. Although
        these types of "phishing"/social engineering attacks are
        called out in the security considerations in RFC 8628 - OAuth
        2.0 Device Authorization Grant
        we can add further mitigations to create greater defence in
        depth. This will help future implementers and may even be
        useful for future protocols that rely on a similar
        cross-device authentication and authorization flows.
     3. Explore alternatives: Develop, adopt, or evolve new protocols
        that address the scenario while mitigating or avoiding the risks.

    Option A does not do much to improve the state of the art. Option
    B feels like something we can do now, and we may learn something
    along the way that can help inform Option C, which may be much
    further down the road and require more research. What other
    options come to mind?

    I’m looking forward to the conversation and hearing what others
    are thinking about this topic.



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