Ah, for machine-to-machine the eKYC/IA spec is not relevant - as it
requires an interactive session (an authenticated user).
But the Rich Authorization Spec (authorization_details) describes how to
express more information related to a grant, so that would be fitting I
would think. We use the structure for accountability purposes, legal basis
and legitimate interest - and reflect certain claims in the access token

man. 4. apr. 2022 kl. 18:02 skrev Roberto Polli <robipo...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks Noem,
> Il giorno lun 4 apr 2022 alle ore 16:32 Steinar Noem <stei...@udelt.no>
> ha scritto:
> >>  I'm looking for a standard way to express data processing purposes in
> access token/requests.
> >>E.g an access token request/response should provide an identifier linked
> to the reason that motivates
> > Maybe you’ll find the work on RAR and identity assurance in OIDF
> interesting?
> > RAR could be used for indicating a “legitimate interest”, and IA could
> cater for accountability.
> You mean the authorization_details and verified_claims ?
> Interesting! Is was wondering whether there was something more concise,
> but I will investigate if that's viable for a machine-to-machine
> interaction like the one
> I'm working on.
> Thanks again,
> R:

Vennlig hilsen

Steinar Noem
Partner Udelt AS

| stei...@udelt.no | h...@udelt.no  | +47 955 21 620 | www.udelt.no |
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