I think Brian’s just in Danial about this one, but we’ll let it slide.

And I have in fact gone through and added text about ATH:


I opted to add this in the introduction of the section about using access 
tokens instead of a separate security consideration because it’s really 
fundamental to the token use here.

 — Justin

On Jul 27, 2022, at 7:11 PM, Brian Campbell 

I need to make one more apology - this time for the incorrect spelling of Dr. 
Fett's name (should be Daniel not Danial). My apologies.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 6:43 PM Brian Campbell 
<bcampb...@pingidentity.com<mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>> wrote:
Thanks Rifaat and others for the vibrant* discussions about the DPoP draft in 
the side meeting yesterday.

I thought it'd be appropriate to share/reiterate the three action items we'd 
agreed on during the meeting (as I remember anyway):

  1.  Justin to review the text about why we have the AT hash and either create 
a PR adding additional motivations or say that what we have is already 
  2.  Danial to add some text to further explain decisions with respect to PAR
  3.  Brian (aka me) to add a parenthetical remark to the Signature Algorithms 
subsection listing 'ES256'

PR's for the latter two are 
here<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/165> and 
here<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/166> respectively.  And yes, 
this message is, at least in part, a passive-aggressive reminder to Justin 
about #1.

The slides that I used to try and help guide the discussions are attached. They 
are admittedly rather suboptimal but I'm including them for the sake of 
transparency (and because they have a couple of photos).

* my apologies for being overly vibrant at times

On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 4:32 PM Brian Campbell 
<bcampb...@pingidentity.com<mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>> wrote:
Thanks Rifaat!
I will make those changes in the document source and come to Philly prepared to 
discuss the other items. One of the side meetings seems like a good forum for 
that, good idea.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 11:14 AM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
<rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com<mailto:rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thanks Brian!
See my replies inline below.

On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 6:52 PM Brian Campbell 
<bcampb...@pingidentity.com<mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>> wrote:
Thanks for shepherding Rifaat. And apologies for the slow reply. My attempts at 
answering questions and responding to comments are inline below.

On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 11:55 AM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
<rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com<mailto:rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:
The following is my review as a document shepherd:

Section 4.3
Last sentence
Since the document uses “SHOULD”, this implies that there are some valid cases 
where this is not needed.
Should a text be added to explain when this is not needed?

What about giving a bit more context about why they should? Changing that 
sentence to say, "To reduce the likelihood of false negatives, servers SHOULD 
employ Syntax-Based Normalization (Section 
6.2.2<https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986> of [RFC3986]) and Scheme-Based 
Normalization (Section 6.2.2<https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986> of [RFC3986]) 
before comparing the htu claim." And also maybe changing it to a little 

Yes, that works.
I suggest keeping it as "SHOULD" to encourage implementers to use this, unless 
they have a really good reason not to.

Section 6.1

First sentence - what is the reason for using “SHOULD”, instead of “MUST” in 
this case?

Good question. I think it was a bit of carryover from OAuth in general not 
strictly defining access token format or content. And wanting to not encroach 
on that. But that's kinda covered/allowed for in general by Section 6 already. 
And Section 6.2 is effectively the same as 6.1 but for introspection and it 
doesn't use "SHOULD". I think the “SHOULD” in the first sentence of 6.1 should 
be removed thereby making it an implicit must - like "when using JWT, this is 
how it is". That would align with the way it's described for introspection. 
Also leaves some room for hash algorithm agility via a new confirmation method 
member (described in 
 without going against a "MUST"

I am fine with removing the "SHOULD" to make it an implicit must.

The DPoP Proof contains a hash of the Access Token, and the Access Token 
contains a hash of the public key in the DPoP Proof.

Why do you need both? Would one of these be sufficient?

The latter (AT containing a hash of the public key in the DPoP Proof) is needed 
and largely sufficient for the main goals of binding the AT to a key held by 
the client. The former (DPoP Proof containing a hash of the AT) was added later 
via very rough WG consensus - it can prevent some esoteric swapping of tokens 
that I never really understood to be honest and also limits the impact of using 
maliciously precomputed and exfiltrated proofs 
talks about it a bit). Use of the nonce mechanism, which was added to the draft 
even later, also (and better) protects against precomputed and exfiltrated 
proofs. The value of the AT hash in the proof seems somewhat questionable. To 
me anyway. But removing it at this point is potentially problematic due to 
inertia, existing implementations/deployments, rough WG consensus, and more.

I think that at least a text is needed to justify this, and explain the " it 
can prevent some esoteric swapping of tokens" issue.
Maybe we can discuss this during one of the side meetings in Philly.

Section 7.1

“if the request does not include valid credentials or does not contain an 
access token sufficient for access, the server can respond with a challenge to 
the client to provide DPoP authentication information.”

Should the “can” be replaced with a “SHOULD”?

FWIW, there was some discussion around that sentence that included some 
pushback on dropping the "can". 
https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/issues/119 and 
https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/122 have the conversation. I'm 
rather hesitant to try and change it after all that.


Also, I think it would be clearer if you can explicitly state what the 
authorization server should do when it does not challenge the client, which I 
am assuming will be something along the lines of: “the authorization server 
issues an error response per Section 5.2 of RFC6749“

The section in question is about protected resource access so anything about 
the authorization server wouldn't be appropriate there. The protected resource 
/ RS always has the option to simply fail the request and can do that however 
it sees fit. I'm not sure how to state that in the document text. Or if 
anything should be stated, honestly.


Section 7.2

“Specifically, such a protected resource MUST reject a DPoP-bound access token 
received as a bearer token per 

I think that I understand what you are trying to say with this sentence, but 
the way the sentence reads is confusing to me.
I am assuming what you are trying to say is something along the lines of “a 
dpop protected resource must reject a request that provides a bearer token”. Is 
that correct? If so, can you please rephrase the sentence to make it clearer?

That's not quite correct. That 
 (copied below) is attempting say that a protected resource that will accept 
either "Authorization: Bearer <bearer token>" or "Authorization: DPoP 
<dpop-bound token>" is required to reject a request that uses the Bearer scheme 
with a DPoP-bound access token. This is to prevent downgraded usage of a bound 
access token without demonstrating possession of the key to which it is bound.

"Protected resources simultaneously supporting both the DPoP and Bearer schemes 
need to update how evaluation of bearer tokens is performed to prevent 
downgraded usage of a DPoP-bound access token. Specifically, such a protected 
resource MUST reject a DPoP-bound access token received as a bearer token per 

Got it.

“A protected resource that supports only 
 and is unaware of DPoP would most presumably accept a DPoP-bound access token 
as a bearer token”

Wouldn't such a resource server check the value of the WWW-Authenticate header 
to make sure it contains the Bearer scheme, which means that the request is 
most likely to be declined?

What that is trying to say is that a protected resource that only does or knows 
about the RFC6750 Bearer scheme ("Authorization: Bearer <token>") will almost 
certainly accept a bound access token sent via the Bearer scheme.


Section 10.1
Why define two different mechanisms to achieve the same thing?
This seems to add complexity without an obvious benefit.

This is a bit of a tricky area. The benefit with PAR is the direct request from 
client to AS, which allows for an actual DPoP proof to be used for the eventual 
binding of the authorization code to the key. Also the client doesn't have to 
do the JWK hash in that case. Whereas the normal authorization request is 
indirect via the browser and just a hash of the key is given for the code 
binding with the dpop_jkt parameter. And the client has to compute the hash. 
But PAR is just an alternative way to pass the authorization parameters (like 
dpop_jkt) so it's kinda awkward to use things together like this. 
https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/issues/103 and 
https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/111 have some discussion around 
this but there was some in person talk too so that's not complete.

I don't love that there's two different mechanisms here. But it's what we were 
able to come up with given all the factors. Certainly open to considering 
improvements but am pretty much at a loss of what that might be.

Let's discuss this during one of the side meetings in Philly

Section 11.6
Should the algorithms be explicitly called out? Or at least reference a 
document that calls out such algorithms?

There isn't a single such document and it's not necessarily a static list of 
algorithms. I was about to say we could point to the JOSE alg registry but 
glancing again at it 
 and I suspect that'd confuse more than help. We could perhaps list some/many 
of the algs with the qualification that it's not an exclusive or complete list? 
But I'm not sure how useful that would be, to be honest.

If you do not specify any algorithm, how do you ensure interop?
I think this is worth a discussion in Philly

Section 11.7
Why is OAuth Token Binding included?

Yeah, that doesn't make sense to encourage its use because it's not a viable 
thing to use. OAuth Token Binding should be removed from Section 11.7. Was that 
what you were getting at? That particular text in the paragraph that mentions 
token binding has been in the draft for a long time and honestly never made a 
lot of sense to me. So I could envision removing more. But that's maybe more 
than you were aiming for.

I am actually in favor of removing it

Section 11.8
Why not include algorithm agility to make sure the mechanism is ready to allow 
for more secure algorithms in the future?

Algorithm agility is a whole can of worms that can be accomplished in different 
ways with different amounts of added complexity and potential vulnerabilities 
and issues of interop and MTI. Section 11.8 describes how DPoP allows for 
algorithm agility (without using the exact words) by suggesting that new dpop 
binding cnf method and/or AT hash claim be defined using a "better" hash 
algorithm if/when the need arises (OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS takes a similar 
approach FWIW). The intent of doing it that way was to keep things as simple as 
possible in the spec right now without completely closing the door on future 
needs. .

This is another topic that is worth a discussion in Philly.


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