> Don't you think the AS should state what it requires in a client discovery 
> call as well?

I guess I'm trying to understand what exactly this would be and where one would 
draw the line, for example would the AS simply publish a list of required 
client metadata properties OR a list of metadata properties and the valid 
enumeration for each property? The whole purpose of the AS metadata document in 
the first place is for the AS to publish what it supports, so I'm trying to 
drill into what is missing.

> Why not?

Because RFC 6749 🙂

> I also prioritize developers using libraries of client library developers. If 
> I as a consumer of a library am wanting to use client discovery and I happen 
> to be using a library that does not support it -- it will give me an error 
> right away because I did not get a client_id.

I think the point I was trying to make is that if we re-use client_id then 
there won't be any need to update client libraries to support client discovery 
and I think that resolves a significant adoption challenge.

> You view client discovery as incremental -- I consider it to be a significant 
> shift. For example, clients are going to authenticate (if needed) with a 
> signed request vs using a secret.

Understood I think that's correct.



Tobias Looker


+64 (0) 27 378 0461


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From: Dick Hardt <dick.ha...@gmail.com>
Sent: 16 December 2022 09:52
To: Tobias Looker <tobias.looker@mattr.global>
Cc: oauth@ietf.org <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth2 Client Discovery

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On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 12:39 PM Tobias Looker <tobias.looker@mattr.global> 
> Would be good to see tos_uri and policy_uri (personally, I'm disappointed in 
> the name policy_uri as policy is a much broader context than privacy -- but 
> that discussion is over =)

Ok so to be clear you are suggesting we update the non-normative example in the 
spec to include a tos_uri and policy_uri? Happy to.

yes, thanks!

> If one of the goals is for a client to work with an arbitrary AS, then we 
> need the client to know if it has what the AS needs before send the user 
> there, otherwise it is a bad UX as the AS tells the user the client is not 
> supported. This leads to the AS publishing required and understood metadata 
> that it needs.

I agree the more that can be decided before the users UX is at stake is better. 
I think adding an element to an AS's metadata document that indicates whether 
the AS supports client discovery is worthwhile but beyond this should be left 
to future enhancement (e.g AS's policies about what clients it is willing to 
interact with).

Don't you think the AS should state what it requires in a client discovery call 
as well?

> My proposal has one parameter for the two required in your case.

My point is that my proposal only has one new parameter, the other is existing 
and required by the protocol, an authorization request without a client_id 
isn't OAuth2 is it?

Why not?

> A server telling me that client_id is required clearly does not support 
> client discovery.

I'd argue so does a server telling me "client not found" when I sent it an 
Authz request including the client_discovery parameter 🙂.

> Forgetting to provide the client_discovery parameter (or mispelling it) is a 
> likely mistake, which has the AS think it does not do client discover, and 
> provide an error of client_id not found  -- although many implementations 
> will just throw up and report an unrelated error if the client_id is not 
> found -- I recently had that issue with Instagram where I was sending the 
> wrong client_id -- but it gave me a generic error.

Same risk applies to mis-spelling the client_uri parameter in either of our 
proposals there is a new parameter.

> I would prioritize ease of simplicity for client developers over AS 
> developers. The code path for client_uri is quite different than for 
> client_id as the prior is doing discovery (or working with a cache) and the 
> latter is doing a DB lookup. I see no difference in effort for me in AS 
> development -- but I write my own implementations. =)

I see both as resolving an identifier for the client to its metadata, one is 
doing this via DB lookup another might be making a network call (through a 
caching layer).

Considering client developers for a second, re-using client_id and adding a new 
parameter is far more likely to result in being able to re-use existing client 
libraries, because most support additional request parameters, so you can add 
the required client_discovery parameter. However I suspect most existing 
libraries wont allow you to not include client_id in the authz request because 
its required by OAuth2. So in that sense I think re-using client_id is also 
infact simpler for client developers/implementers.

I also prioritize developers using libraries of client library developers. If I 
as a consumer of a library am wanting to use client discovery and I happen to 
be using a library that does not support it -- it will give me an error right 
away because I did not get a client_id.

You view client discovery as incremental -- I consider it to be a significant 
shift. For example, clients are going to authenticate (if needed) with a signed 
request vs using a secret.

We don't need to resolve this now. We can see what others have to say.

/ Dick
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