One potential mitigation is multiple DH, where the server has a static key 
*and* ephemeral key. Then the shared secret for HMAC becomes:

    KDF(DH(client_ephemeral, server_static) || DH(client_ephemeral, 

For the cost of an additional client <-> server interaction (to share the 
public half of the server ephemeral key), you get these benefits:
* Harder for an attacker to pull off a simple MITM because the static server 
key should be 'well known' (i.e. obtained by the client out of band of the 
OAuth flow itself)
* Harder for an attacker in possession of the server static key to impersonate 
clients to the server, because they would need the server ephemeral private key 
(and I'm assuming/hoping that'd be stored elsewhere).

You could also replace the OAuth 2.0 'client secret' with a client static key, 
and then you'd build the shared secret as:

    KDF(DH(client_ephemeral, server_static) || DH(client_static, 
server_ephemeral) || DH(client_ephemeral, server_ephemeral))

To me, this just starts to resemble existing protocols for secure messaging 
with forward secrecy. How far is it worth taking this before we're building 
OAuth 3.0/'mutual' OAuth? (I'm half joking and half serious)

On Thu, Jan 5, 2023, at 15:37, Neil Madden wrote:
> Right. A key difference between what I proposed and what Zack is proposing, 
> as I understand it, is that in my proposal the server (RS) challenges the 
> client with a fresh ephemeral public key (periodically or once per session, 
> according to server policy). In Zack’s proposal the server has a static 
> public key that is shared between all clients. This is more efficient but has 
> some downsides:
> Firstly, the use of an ephemeral challenge ensures freshness, which prevents 
> replay attacks. Part of the reason for my proposal was to avoid the need for 
> timestamps, server-side blocklists, nonces, etc. If the RS key pair is static 
> then you don’t get this nice property. 
> Secondly, and more seriously, ECDH with a static key-pair is vulnerable to an 
> attack known as key compromise impersonation (KCI). If the server’s private 
> key is compromised, the attacker can not only impersonate the RS to any 
> client, but can also impersonate any client when talking to the RS. So 
> compromising the RS private key becomes an attractive target, requiring 
> significant investment in countermeasures (HSMs etc). 
> (This attack is not relevant for ECDH-ES normally because it is an attack 
> against authentication and that encryption mode is unauthenticated anyway in 
> its intended use). 
> Cheers,
> Neil
> PS - I like K-PoP!
>> On 5 Jan 2023, at 00:20, Brian Campbell 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi Zack,
>> For whatever it's worth, HMAC PoP has been discussed in the past (in a few 
>> different incarnations). Neil Madden put forth the idea of a somewhat 
>> similar sounding Diffie-Hellman style approach 
>> which I sort of proposed as an option to the WG back when DPoP was being 
>> considered for adoption (slide 8 of 
>>  But there wasn't much interest at the time 
>> at 
>> least compared to working on DPoP w/ signatures. It's an interesting idea 
>> though and although it got sidelined I'd already started thinking about a 
>> name for it - KPoP, nominally for something like Key Agreement based 
>> Proof-of-Possession.  Of course, Korean pop music already laid claim to the 
>> name K-pop so that might not be good for searchability. But I digress on 
>> names. Anyway, I don't know how useful this rambling is for you but it 
>> seemed worthwhile to mention some of the prior ideas and discussion on 
>> seemingly similar stuff. 
>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2023 at 4:30 PM Zack Voase <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi OAuth list,
>>> Hopefully this is the right place for this message. I wanted to surface an 
>>> idea for an alternative DPoP approach to the current one based on digital 
>>> signatures. I'm looking for feedback to determine whether it's worth 
>>> investigating further or writing up a proper RFC. Is there anything that 
>>> I'm overlooking about this scheme that would make it insecure, infeasible, 
>>> or undesirable?
>>> The idea is that rather than proof-of-possession being demonstrated by 
>>> asymmetric digital signatures attached to each request, it is demonstrated 
>>> by an HMAC, with the shared secret for the HMAC derived by ECDH-ES[0] 
>>> between the client and the server. For the purpose of this informal RFC, 
>>> I'll refer to the existing protocol as DPoP-DSA, and my proposed protocol 
>>> as DPoP-DH-HMAC.
>>> Similar to DPoP-DSA, the client would need its own asymmetric key pair, and 
>>> ideally this would be ephemeral (scoped to the life of a single 'session', 
>>> access token, or refresh token). The server would also need a key pair, but 
>>> static and well-known (probably published in a JWKS). Optionally, the 
>>> authorization server and resource server(s) could have distinct keys from 
>>> each other, and the client would derive the appropriate HMAC secret for the 
>>> server it's communicating with.
>>> The protocol would look very similar to DPoP-DSA, except that DPoP proofs 
>>> would be HS256-signed JWTs. I'm not entirely sure what the other JWT header 
>>> keys should look like, since the JSON Web Algorithms spec only allows 
>>> specification of ECDH-ES for agreeing on content encryption or wrapping 
>>> keys, not shared secrets for HMACs. Ideally JWS/JWT syntax could be 
>>> extended to allow a similar format as in RFC 7518 Appendix C 
>>> (, but for this kind 
>>> of application. Furthermore, RFC 7518 recommends the use of Concat KDF for 
>>> final key derivation from the ECDH-ES agreed key, but Concat KDF is not 
>>> available in any common Web Crypto API implementations. HKDF, however, 
>>> is—maybe that should be used instead?
>>> Pros
>>> ====
>>> * HMAC-SHA256 computation is substantially cheaper than EC/RSA signing and 
>>> verifying. With good (and hopefully secure) caching, the ECDH-ES key 
>>> agreement algorithm only needs to be done once per access token on each of 
>>> the client and server. In most cases the one-time cost of secret derivation 
>>> can be amortized over a large number of HMAC verifications, but even for a 
>>> single usage, performance should be comparable between the two.
>>> * ECDSA is very vulnerable to issues with the entropy of the per-signature 
>>> nonce[1] (note that this does not refer to the DPoP nonce, rather the nonce 
>>> provided to the low-level ECDSA algorithm). A single reuse of a nonce 
>>> between two signatures is enough to completely determine the private key. 
>>> Even a small correlation between nonces can be attacked across enough 
>>> signatures. This creates some side-channel risks on clients, which might be 
>>> harder places to control such risk than OAuth servers.
>>> * Some side-channel and cryptanalytical attacks on signature algorithms 
>>> benefit from repeated observations of signature operations, whether through 
>>> timing, power use, or the numerical properties of the output (see [2] for 
>>> an example). In DPoP-DSA, a large number of observations is possible—one 
>>> for each request containing a proof. In DPoP-DH-HMAC, key derivation 
>>> happens exactly once per distinct (client key, server key) combination, 
>>> which may only be once per access/refresh token. This greatly constrains 
>>> the potential for key information to be leaked. Furthermore, this system 
>>> benefits from the security properties of SHA256: once the shared secret has 
>>> been derived, observing the timing/power usage of the per-request signing 
>>> operation, and/or the signatures themselves, can reveal absolutely nothing 
>>> about the keys.
>>> * Client keys should be ephemeral, scoped to the length of a single refresh 
>>> or access token. However, in the case that a client key is static, or spans 
>>> the life of the refresh token with many access tokens, some additional data 
>>> can be mixed into the key derivation function (whether Concat KDF or HKDF) 
>>> per access token, to reduce the impact of HMAC secret exfiltration.
>>> * I'm not sure if it's immediately useful, but there's an aspect to this 
>>> scheme whereby only the sender and intended recipient (the server) can 
>>> verify a proof. There might exist some benefits there about 
>>> decoys/privacy/plausible deniability, but I haven't thought too much about 
>>> this.
>>> Cons
>>> ====
>>> * Servers would need to maintain a set of public, static keys, with 
>>> revocations and lifetimes and all the other complexities that go along with 
>>> long-term key management.
>>> * Servers must do constant-time validation of HMACs, otherwise proofs can 
>>> be brute-forced much more easily by observing timing (though it would be 
>>> quite hard not to notice this on the server). This is another reason to 
>>> keep track of nonces, whether server-provided or client-generated, and 
>>> reject requests with nonces that have been seen before. A lot of 
>>> implementations forget to add nonces from failed requests to their 'seen' 
>>> set, and this is a big oversight that can create replay/timing attacks.
>>> * ECDH implementations must check that provided public keys are valid (see: 
>>> invalid curve attacks[3]). This mainly applies to servers, and is obviated 
>>> by the fact that many major crypto libraries *do* validate provided EC 
>>> points. Ideally we could use Curve25519-based algorithms to avoid some of 
>>> these issues (including timing attacks, invalid curves/small groups, etc.), 
>>> but support for X25519/Ed25519 is very inconsistent in Web Crypto and JOSE 
>>> implementations.
>>> Thank you to whoever made it this far, and please don't hesitate to share 
>>> your thoughts/comments.
>>> -- Zack Voase
>>> [0]:
>>> [1]:
>>> [2]:
>>> [3]:
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