Any change to have a look to this email?

Best Regards.

From: "Oliva Fernandez, Jorge" <>
Date: Wednesday, 11 January 2023 at 10:43
To: "" <>, "" <>, 
"" <>
Subject: draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps doubst about Service Wrokers


I have been studying the draft 
and more concretely the section "6.4.2. Acquiring tokens from a Service 
Worker", as this seems to be the recommended and more secure way to manage 
tokens in a SPA to avoid XSS attacks or token stealing I have been looking for 
libraries/products that implement this feature, and studying the Service 
Workers technology to learn how to implement it by ourselves, and I have 
realized about some issues related with this approach:

Issue 1.- In section 6.4.2. says "This makes service workers the most secure 
place to acquire and store tokens, as an XSS attack would be unable to 
exfiltrate the tokens." here I think there is a problem, as long as I have been 
investigating there not exist a persistent and secure place to store data in a 
Service Worker (aka SW), the options that I have been looking for are:

Service Worker global state, or what is the same in a variable at global scope 
of the `sw.js` file, this is not reliable as the lifetime of a Service Worker 
is supposed to be short by definition, so if we save the tokens (access token 
and refresh token) in the SW we cannot trust that will be there for a concrete 
time, can live some minutes or seconds, this is described in the W3C definition 
of a SW (about 
concretely say "The lifetime of a service worker is tied to the execution 
lifetime of events and not references held by service worker clients to the 
ServiceWorker object." so the lifetime is only tied to one event and is not 
guarantee that this info lives between different events handling, so this is 
not a persistent storage is very volatile, this is also mentioned and explained 
in this Stack Overflow topics

Cache API or what is the same CacheStorage, is a storage system designed to 
Cache Request/Response from SW, but this storage is not secure and can be 
accessed by normal JS code, there is no special security feature attached to it 
as described in the next W3C issue, should be considered as 
secure/private as the Local or Session storage.

Web storage API like `localStorage` or `sessionStorage`, in the few libraries 
that I have found that use SW like for example the firebase one 
( clearly 
says that "Tokens are saved in web storage." but this has the same problem as 
directly use the web storage API without use SW.

So the question is, where should be the tokens (access token and refresh token) 
stored in a Service Worker if this feature doesn't provide any special way to 
persist data?

Issue 2.- Even if it is possible to store securely the tokens in a Service 
Worker (see point 1) the next sentences don't seems correct/well explained:

- "The service worker MUST intercept the authorization code when the 
authorization server redirects to the application."

- "The service worker MUST not transmit tokens, authorization codes or PKCE 
secrets (e.g. code verifier) to the frontend application."

In a normal Authorization Code flow the Client APP will redirect to the AS 
authorization endpoint so the End-User can interact and provide the 
identification/authorization data and when everything is ok the AS will 
redirect back to the Client APP to the redirect_uri, but the SW cannot 
intercept this redirection, the SW is a `sw.js` file that responds to events 
when JS code is executed, SW is not something that can be triggered "before" 
the page load as the lifecycle of an SW is not related with the DOM or windows 
object, so effectively the Frontend app should parse the authorization code 
from the `location.href` and pass this information to the SW using a `message` 
event, so the sentences highlighted above seems to not be correct as the 
authorization code will be transmitted to the frontend application and the SW 
cannot intercept the redirect by himself.

Best Regards

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