Dear Rifaat and esteemed community members,

I am pleased to share my research paper on 'Unified Singular Protocol Flow
for OAuth (USPFO) Ecosystem'. The highlights of the paper are:

1. Separation of Duties (SoD) - Delegates responsibility of authenticating
client applications to a  third-party endpoint, allowing for a more
adaptable approach to client application authentication. It also makes it
convenient to rotate the security keys.

2. Deprecates use of Basic Authentication - Employing Basic Authentication
for clients poses a security risk as client secrets, encoded in Base64, can
be exposed through man-in-the-middle attacks or vulnerabilities in the
software. These can then be misused for impersonation attacks, potentially
granting unauthorized access to restricted scopes which would otherwise not
be available to less trustworthy clients.

3. Introduces 'assertion_uri' as an additional parameter to be registered
with the authorization server at the time of registration of client

4. Built-in support for integrity, authenticity and audience binding.

5. Removes the distinction between confidential and public clients,
offering an alternative approach for a cohesive strategy within the OAuth

6. It can be summarized in one equation:
USPFO = assertion_URI + JWS + PAR + PKCE + DPoP - basic_auth

The research paper can be accessed here

I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please feel free to drop me a
message at <> with your valuable insights.

Regards and Best Wishes
Jaimandeep Singh
LinkedIn <>
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