Hi Evert,
The audience parameter isn’t standard- it was implemented before a standard
modeling the corresponding concept (resource indicators) was introduced in
Audience is mostly an alias of the resource parameter, hence i wouldn’t be
too worried about implementing it security wise. Just take a look at the
security section of the spec above (and the spec in geber) and make sure
you take it into account.

On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 14:57 Evert Pot <m...@evertpot.com> wrote:

> *This message originated outside your organization.*
> ------------------------------
> Hi list,
> I'm the author a OAuth2 client library[1]. I received a feature request to
> support the "audience" parameter on client_credentials, as seen on the
> following two server implementations:
>    - Auth0:
> https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication?http#authorization-code-flow-with-pkce45
>    - Kinde:
> https://kinde.com/docs/build/get-access-token-for-connecting-securely-to-kindes-api/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://kinde.com/docs/build/get-access-token-for-connecting-securely-to-kindes-api/__;!!PwKahg!_lR-Zb-vtBO8gk1m2IOSxnXA4l4h7RsN8KownaSVx92s3Ivt3wHNp1sv0CEdlRLJ9tJVKRjGEA$>
> Is this parameter based on any standard or draft or are these non-standard
> vendor extensions? I'm hesitant blindly adding support for these without
> understanding the security implications.
> Evert
> [1]: https://github.com/badgateway/oauth2-client
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