I think we’re used to thinking of scopes in terms of things that a developer 
can read and understand, but that’s not always going to be true. For automated 
systems like this, the developer isn’t always expected to understand the scope 
— they probably don’t even see it in many cases. The client software knows the 
API, but at the OAuth layer, the client just needs to know what values to put 
into the OAuth flow to be able to call the RS and have it work. That value 
could very well be an opaque string, which is supported by the 6750 response 
header already as well.

 — Justin

On Sep 22, 2023, at 1:58 PM, Atul Tulshibagwale <a...@sgnl.ai> wrote:


#1 is clear now. Thanks Warren
On #2, thanks Neil and Warren for your clarifications. Does it make sense to 
include language that warns against requesting unknown scopes in the OPRM draft?


On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 11:17 AM Neil Madden 
<neil.e.mad...@gmail.com<mailto:neil.e.mad...@gmail.com>> wrote:
On 21 Sep 2023, at 17:19, Atul Tulshibagwale 
<a...@sgnl.ai<mailto:a...@sgnl.ai>> wrote:

Hi all,
I'm still looking for answers to these two 
 regarding the OPRM draft that was recently adopted by the WG:

  1.  If I have a resource server that has multiple endpoints, each of which 
require different scopes, how should those be handled? For example, in the SSF 
spec, the SSF Transmitter has a Create Stream endpoint and a Polling endpoint. 
The scopes required for these are different. How would the client know which 
scope is to be used with which endpoint?
  2.  Does the spec encourage insecure behavior in the caller by requesting 
tokens with scopes that they do not understand? I.e. If an authorization server 
is known to provide valuable tokens with certain scopes, can a malicious 
resource server trick the client into requesting a more powerful token, which 
it then uses to access some other service? Since the consent dialog is likely 
to show two trusted names (i.e. the requesting client and the authorization 
server), the user would be prone to providing consent, even if the scope looks 
unnecessarily permissive.

Regarding point 2, if this is a threat then it's already enabled by RFC 6750, 
which defines the `WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope="..."` challenge header that 
can be used to indicate which scopes a client needs to access a resource. Even 
just misleading documentation for how to access the RS could enable this 
threat. That's not to say that this isn't worth considering (it is), but I 
don't think this draft makes the situation worse than now.

-- Neil
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