> On 6 Nov 2023, at 16:43, Watson Ladd <watsonbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 5:46 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.mad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How about the following:
>> —
>> An Issuer MUST NOT allow any security-critical claim to be selectively 
>> disclosable. The exact list of “security-critical” claims will depend on the 
>> application, and SHOULD be listed by any application-specific profile of 
>> SD-JWT. The following is a list of standard claim names that SHOULD be 
>> considered as security-critical by any SD-JWT Issuer:
>> * “iss” (Issuer)
>> * “aud” (Audience), although issuers may want to allow individual entries in 
>> the array to be selectively-disclosable
>> * “exp” (Expiration Time)
>> * “nbf” (Not Before)
>> * “iat” (Issued At)
>> * “jti” (JWT ID)
>> In addition, the “cnf” (Confirmation Key) claim MUST NOT be selectively 
>> disclosable.
>> ---
>> <snip>
> I think these fields can have significant unanticipated privacy
> impacts. Expiry and issuance times can have very high entropy.

Can you expand on what you mean? What privacy threat do you envision? Note that 
unlinkability is explicitly already not a goal for SD-JWT according to section 

Allowing an attacker to selectively disclose that a token has expired seems 
problematic to say the least. 

— Neil
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