Hi Denis,

sorry for the delay, below by points.

> A *digital credential* may be presented to a verifier long after it has
been issued.

In the abstract we say what's the status attestation. Probably it's an
editorial suggestion from you to say what's the substantial difference
between the digital credential and its status attestation. the subject of
this specification is the status attestation, not the digital credential
which the status attestation is referred to.

> Entity that relies on the validity of the *digital proof* presented to

verifiers validate the digital credentials and these can have different
revocation check mechanisms (or no one). I'd keep the digital credential as
the most important landmark for the verifier, where the status attestation
is a sort of annex of that.

> This does not correspond to the flows of the figure.

The picture contains two distinc moments: the provisioning of the
attestation (that currently in the specs is online only) and the
presentation of it (that wors fine in the offline scenario).

I'll look forward for other interactions about this specs, probably by
voice it would be everything more easy to explain,
thank you for the hints!
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