Hi all,

as discussed during IETF 119, we would like to introduce what we call Type Metadata to SD-JWT VC.

For a bit of context, the intention is to provide a mechanism to provide information about credential types (e.g., a JSON schema, display/rendering information, a name and description to be used by developers, etc.). Type Metadata can be organized in a hierarchical structure using "extends" relationships.

The need for such a mechanism developed from discussions around the 'vct' (Verifiable Credentials Type) identifier <https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc/issues/181> in SD-JWT VC and again in the context of the EUDI Wallet <https://github.com/danielfett/sd-jwt-vc-dm>.

I drafted a first tentative design in this specification <https://vcstuff.github.io/sd-jwt-vc-types/draft-fett-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-types.html> and we now want to revisit that and start moving pieces of that over to SD-JWT VC.

The first PR <https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc/pull/220> introduces the basic Type Metadata structures including the extension and integrity protection mechanisms. It lacks many of the features we would like to see in an MVP, so we plan to release a new draft only after introducing a few more features <https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc/issues/224> in follow-on PRs.

We would like to invite you to review the PR and let us know if there is any feedback! I also plan to discuss this in more detail at an unconference session at the OAuth Security Workshop.

-Daniel, Brian, Oliver

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