If you haven't already registered for the Cycling Advisory Committee's
consultation on the Official Plan being held this Thursday October 17, we
would appreciate it if you would so do ASAP, preferably before the end of
Tuesday. Details are posted below.

This will be your opportunity to meet with other cycling residents to talk
about the future of cycling in Ottawa for the next 2 to 20 years. Comments
from this meeting will feed into the Cycling Advisory Committees's
official policy recommendations and comments to City Council on November 4.

Policies that support walking, cycling and public transit in the current
city-wide (former RMOC) Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan
(See Section 9 especially)
have had a visibly positive impact since 1997.

Are there policies in the current plan
that are very important to
promoting cycling and that must be included in the new Official Plan?

Should the Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan include strong
policies that support road user education and effective traffic law
enforcement? Or should the Official Plan only include land use policies,
as staff are suggesting?

We hope that you will be able to join us for this interesting, one-time
session this Thursday. Refreshments will be provided!

        Brett Delmage
        chair, Cycling Advisory Committee

> From: Diane Dupuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> City of Ottawa
> Cycling Advisory Committee
> October 7, 2002
> The City of Ottawa's Cycling Advisory Committee is pleased to invite you
> to the Ottawa Cycling Advisory Committeešs Public Consultation for the City
> of Ottawašs Official
> Plan.
> The public consultation will be held at the following time and location:
> Ottawa City Hall
> 110 Laurier Avenue
> Festival Boardroom
> October 17th
> 6pm - 9pm
> The format for the consultation will be discussion groups identified by
> issue area.  OCAC has determined eight areas of interest to cyclists
> including: maintenance standards; tourism and recreational cycling; health,
> fitness and environment; cycling community; bicycle parking; education and
> enforcement; multi-modal integration and cycling network.  The purpose
> of this consultation is to articulate to the City a vision of where
> cycling fits into Ottawašs community life in the year 2020. And identify
> what practical steps are required to attain this vision with respect to
> cycling.
> For background information on the City of Ottawa Official Plan, please
> contact the City at 580-2424 ext. 21611, or visit the City of Ottawa
> 20/20 Website at: www.ottawa2020.ca.  For information about our Public
> Consultation, please visit www.cfsc.ottawa.on.ca after Friday October
> 11th, 2002.

Please RSVP to John Purkis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
Lisa Moffatt at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> We look forward to your participation.
> Sincerely,
> Diane Dupuis
> Vice-Chair, Ottawa Cycling Advisory Committee

For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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