To get around this massive foo, I'll propose a solution.

If the OBC wants it's list to be closed to membership and moderated, fine.

I can manage a list called ottawa-cycling, on Topica, or on one of my own
servers (yes I have several.. geek ;^) ).   It would be an open list, anyone
could subscribe to it.

If the OBC so chooses it could forward all moderated list messages to this
one, as could CFSC, as could any group involved with cycling in Ottawa.

* This allows generic discussions of cycling in Ottawa to happen.

* This allows OBC club members to have their own list, and yet let others
know of goings on in the club.

* This allows people to choose whatever level of participation they want.

Now I don't need anyone's permission to do this, but I'm putting out the
welcome mat to the OBC, to the CFSC, to Vélo Plaisirs, the KNBC, Almonte
folks, anyone. I'll even donate server space for a website, gratis, pointing
people to various groups and such.

Now of course if OBC stayed open this would largely be redundant.

It's a big town and we should have a big tent for cycling.


For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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