The NCC’s plan is to have a paved path running through its Arboretum
property.  Much of this path would be in the same location as two
existing sections of crushed gravel paths, although the paved path
would be about 50% wider than the existing paths and would be
straighter.  The NCC also wants to construct a new section of path to
connect the two existing sections.  The new section would include a
bridge, as a creek cuts across the NCC’s Arboretum property.  The
existing paths meander between NCC property and the Arboretum proper,
and make use of a bridge on Farm property to cross the creek.

The NCC intends that this section of paved path would connect with
other paved recreational pathways.  To this end, the NCC plans on
altering the area around the Dow’s Lake Pavilion and HMCS Cataraqui, to
connect its Arboretum path to the paved pathway running along Queen
Elizabeth Driveway.  At the south end of the Arboretum, the
recreational pathway would continue up the hill to Hartwell Locks and
then to the existing lights at Prince of Wales Drive, where it would
cross into the Experimental Farm and continue west using existing
pathways (with some modifications). The NCC is not currently concerned
with improving the Hartwell Locks crossing.

The Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council will be meeting on
Thursday. It might be useful for the Council to know your opinion at or
before the meeting. One way would be to contact the Secretary of the
Council before then:

Dan Schmid
Manager, Property and Facilities
Agriculture and AgriFood Canada

In addition, it would be great if anyone were available to attend the
meeting (and perhaps make a statement themselves - there is an
opportunity for short statements from the public at the beginning of
the meeting). The meeting is at 1:30 pm, Thursday November 14, in the
K.W. Neatby Building.

Daily users of the Arboretum

More info:
(the author is against the paving)

---- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur ----
   ,__@ tOM A. Trottier +1 613 860-6633 fax:231-
 _-\_<,         758 Albert St.,Ottawa ON Canada
K1R 7V8
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"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

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