

--- On Sat, 4/24/10, e-Flux <i...@mailer.e-flux.com> wrote:

From: e-Flux <i...@mailer.e-flux.com>
Subject: Romanian Cultural Institute Berlin and Club Electro Putere present 
Romanian Cultural Resolution
To: hieror...@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 7:16 AM






April 24, 2010






                                        Romanian Cultural
Institute Berlin and
Club Electro Putere




Romanian Cultural Resolution

1 May – 1 June 2010

Opening: 1 May, 11am - 9pm and

2 May, 11am - 6pm


Halle 12 Spinnerei Leipzig

Spinnereistraße 7

04179 Leipzig


Tue - Sat, 11am - 6pm

Sun and Mon closed



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The Romanian Cultural Institute "Titu Maiorescu" in Berlin & Centre for 
Contemporary Culture "Club Electro Putere"
(Craiova) announce the opening of the exhibition "Romania Cultural Resolution" 
hosted by the Spinnerei Werkschau (Halle
12), Leipzig.

The exhibition presents ideas and images of the changing post-Communist culture 
gathered from the Romanian visual arts
over the last twenty years.

The event is built around the concept of "cultural resolution", an analysis of 
contemporary cultural discourse through
art. A dominant theme is the deep cultural nature of the post-Communist 
experience characterized by a constant reference
to the past and the corresponding projection of a democratic future. Both these 
features make a cultural discourse,
originating from the distressing legacy of a decayed political regime, 

The fall of Communism, and the instinctive rejection thereof, has been followed 
by two decades of self-imposed learning
of the fundamentals of democracy. The art works that make up the "Romanian 
Cultural Resolution" Project aim to raise
questions about the time and space typical of this post-Communist experience. 
It takes an introspective look at
contemporary art and culture and dismantles the previous cultural utopia. 

The exhibition is made up of four trustee projects with contributions from the 
most important names in Romanian
contemporary art.

1. An Image Instead of a Title

Artists: Mircea Cantor, Anca Munteanu Rimnic, Ciprian Muresan, Ioana Nemes, 
Miklos Onucsan, Cristian Rusu, Serge

Curator: Mihnea Mircan 

The 'Gospel of St. John' is transcribed on copy-sheets, seemingly in 
preparation of a most difficult exam (Ciprian
Muresan); the Venetian street sign 'Calle della morte' is zoomed on and filmed 
until the hands start shaking and the
frame loses focus (Cristi Rusu); in a variation on the Vanitas, the history of 
rust is methodically told from its
'origins to the present' as a think layer of decrepitude, in the absence of the 
rusting object (Miklos Onucsan); the
colors of the Romanian flag, of the country just abandoned and the ideological 
brutality which had led to the artist's
exile, become visual obstacles, and 'materialize' the interdiction to look and 
speak (Serge Spitzer). Alongside the
fragments of cultural or social history they invoke or circulate, these and 
other works in the exhibition 'An Image
instead of A Title' have a complicated, obstinate relationship to the notions 
of the archive habitually employed by art
history. The show seeks to articulate a mode of the archival where images, 
rather than the textual props that would
anchor them to cultural or political narratives, constitute their own index. 
Between a model of homogenous
correspondences of identities to objects and worlds, where each unit gestures 
towards the whole and interlocks with all
others, and the converse one – typified by the Library of Alexandria and by 
much recent art -, where conservation
coincides with destruction, the works gathered here operate in, and delimit, a 
territory of oblique gazes, undone
connections and archival numbness, upset indexes and selves. 

2. Here and Then

Artists: Alexandra Croitoru & Stefan Tiron in colaboration with Vasile 
Pop-Negresteanu, Adrian Ghenie, Ion Grigorescu
with Matei Lazarescu, Julian Mereuta,  Aurelia Mihai, Ciprian Muresan & Adrian 
Ghenie, Miklos Onucsan

Curator: Magda Radu

Here and Then is a trangenerational exhibition that explores the topic of 
'artist at work', bringing forward such
issues as the relation between past and present, the question of national 
identity and the entanglement between artistic
agency and political context. Most of the works featured in this selection 
assume an autobiographical stance, and they
reveal – through self-representation and performativity – the condition of the 
artist in a problematic environment.

The never-before seen photographs made by Julian Mereuta in 1970 are emblematic 
of the marginality of certain artistic
practices during communism, and thus, of the impossibility of working within a 
restrictive system. By contrast, Ciprian
Muresan brings into discussion another facet of the artistic production, namely 
the proliferation of official art that
inflated Ceausescu's personality cult. Croitoru and Tiron's project – A Fresco 
for Romania – investigates the
possibility of representing the troubled history of Romania's recent past by 
modulating the subject matter through the
working method of an artist who used to receive public commissions before 1989. 

Showing continuity with earlier preoccupations, a recent series of photographs 
by Ion Grigorescu depict the artist
being involved in everyday activities, which are invested by him with a 
ritualistic dimension. Miklos Onucsan's discrete
performances turned into self-portraits are charged with a political undertone, 
providing a subtle commentary on the
artist's place in society "along the way". 

3. Fetish Factory

Artists: Pavel Braila,  Stefan Constantinescu, Daniel Knorr, Alexandru 
Niculescu, Dan Perjovschi

Curator: Adrian Bojenoiu 

The concept proposes the partial simulation of the cultural field for recent 
Romanian history. The title "Fetish
factory" is the expository name of this cultural field. It allusively appoints 
the bearing mechanisms of the post
communist allocution, implicitly involving the contemporary culture. By 
fashioning the traumatic past experienced during
communism into cultural parlance it becomes a cultural product with shaping 
effect. Moreover it aggregates an
ambivalence based upon acknowledgement and repudiation.

The project foregathers the works of five artists drawing a bead on outlining a 
contrasting and reflexive vision over
culture; an external glance centred on the utopia, contradictions and cultural 
solutions supplied by recent history. 

Daniel Knorr's "The state of mind" exhibits cellulose wraps forged with 
documents destroyed by the STASI. Stefan
Constatinescu and Pavel Brăila look into the recent socio-political context 
whose abstract personage is "emancipation".
Dan Perjovschi's designs schematize the boorish everyday state, replying to an 
immediate environment and supplying a
prejudiced exposition. Alexandru Niculescu renders socio-dramatic sceneries 
into objects at the abstract borderline.

4. Figurative Painting in Romania, 1970–2010

Artists: Ioana Batranu, Corneliu Brudascu, Sorin Campan, Constantin Flondor, 
Adrian Ghenie, Gheorghe Ilea, Victor Man, 
Gili Mocanu, Serban Savu

Curator: Mihai Pop 

The exhibition presents an overview of figurative painting in Romania in the 
last 40 years. It features artists with a
particular commitment to the medium: works by Ioana Batranu, Corneliu Brudascu, 
Sorin Campan, Constantin Flondor or
Gheorghe Ilea preserve their pictorial intensity and could contribute to a more 
nuanced understanding of the period
before 1989. They make visible a double removal: created at a distance from the 
official painting of those times, they
also do not partake in the mimetism of new new models in international painting 
after 1989. In most cases, essential
works by these artists have never left the studio, and have remained culturally 
and commercially undervalued. The
exhibition proposes them as landmarks for a yet unwritten history of the 
Romanian art scene.

The end of the '90s saw the emergence of artists such as Adrian Ghenie, Victor 
Man, Gili Mocanu and Serban Savu,
recharting the 'neofigurative' both across art history, but also in relation to 
the data and values of the space they
live and work in; their work is often concerned with social and cultural 
transition, honing on the ambiguities of recent
history - as in the case of Victor Man, and his overriding preoccupation with 
"The place I'm coming from", in all its


Thursday 29 April, 7 pm at GfZK. GfZK-1, Artist Talk: Dan Perjovschi

Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst (Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 9-11, D-04107 Leipzig 

Saturday 1 May,  11am – 9pm and Sunday 2 May, 11am - 6pm opening at the 
Werkschau Spinerei ( Spinnereistraße
7, 04179 Leipzig http://www.spinnerei.de/werkschau.html)

Sunday 2 May, 6 pm, projection of the movie "Tales from the Golden Age" (2009, 
155 min,  Directed by : Ioana
Uricaru, Hanno Hoefer, Razvan Marculescu, Constantin Popescu, Cristian Mungiu  
)   at Luru Kino (Spinnereistraße
7, 04179 Leipzig http://www.luru-kino.de)

Saturday 8 May, 6 pm projection of the movie "12:08 East of Bucharest" (2006, 
89 min, Directed by Corneliu
Porumboiu)  at Luru Kino (Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig 

Sunday 9 May, 6pm projection of the movie "Hartia va fi Albastra" ( 2006, 95 
min, Directed by Radu Muntean ) at
Luru Kino (Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig)

Romanian Cultural Institute Berlin

Koenigsallee 20 a

14 193 Berlin


Tel: +49 (030) 890 61 987 

Fax: +49 (030) 890 61 988



Club Electro Putere

Calea Bucuresti 56

200515 Craiova


Tel: +40 (0724) 043 960

Tel: +49 (0176) 276 71 403 







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