Revista la PLIC | Apel pentru contributii
adresat artistilor, scriitorilor, cercetatorilor

Temele principale ale acestui numar sunt:
Care este rolul banilor in arta, cultura & atitudinea contemporana?
Perspective asupra proiectului legii lustratiei

Pentru al treilea numar al Revistei la PLIC invitam artisti, scriitori si
cercetatori sa ne trimita propuneri de colaborare si texte.
Textele nu trebuie sa depaseasca 8.000 de caractere iar propunerile
artistice (imagini, fotografii, film, video, sunet/muzica, obiecte mici
etc.) trebuie sa contina un scurt concept impreuna cu o lista a
materialelor necesare realizarii lor. Atat textele cat si propunerile
trebuie sa fie originale. Textele sau lucrarile care au fost prezentate in
alte reviste sau care sunt accesibile online vor fi descalificate.

Data limita pentru expedierea propunerilor este 7 mai 2010.
Propunerile pot fi transmite prin email la adresa:

Revista la PLIC este cea mai noua publicatie culturala din Republica
Moldova, o revista obiect cu un caracter interdisciplinar si experimental
pronuntat, care isi propune sa reflecte si sa reuneasca tendintele
artistice si literare ale tinerilor din Republica Moldova dar si din alte
Revista la PLIC stimuleaza comunicarea intre diverse grupuri de creatori
dar si intre exponenti ai altor domenii, insistand pe rolul si importanta
artei, in calitate de ingredient activ, intr-o societate multiculturala ce
se confrunta cu provocarile unei lumi din ce in ce mai globalizate. Revista
la PLIC nu este doar o publicatie tiparita – ea se vrea un generator de
evenimente capabile sa produca schimbari semnificative in societate.

Revista la PLIC
Asociatia Oberliht, Republica Moldova
str. Gh. Asachi 53/1, lit. “A”
Chisinau 2028

+ (373 22) 286317, + (373 22) 79370809 / Victor NEAGA
+ (40) 744 680 622 / Andreea TOMA
email: andreea(a)
vizitati site-ul revistei la:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

POSTBOX Magazine | Call for contributions 
for artists, writers and researchers
The main topics of this issue is:
What is the role of money in art, culture & contemporary  attitude?
Perspectives over the project of lustration law.

For the third  issue of the magazine we invite artists, writers and
researchers to send us texts and collaboration proposals. Texts should not
exceed 8000 characters and the artistic proposals (images, photos, movies,
videos, sound/music, objects, etc.) should contain a short concept along
with a list of materials needed for their realization. Both the texts and
the suggestions should be original. The texts or the works that have been
previously published in other magazines or that may be accessed online will
be disqualified.  

Deadline for proposals is 7 of May 2010. 

Please send your proposals to: 

The POSTBOX Magazine is the newest cultural publication from the Republic
of Moldova, with a strong interdisciplinary and experimental character,
which aims at reflecting and unifying the artistic and literary trends of
the youth from the Republic of Moldova and other regions.
The POSTBOX Magazine encourages the communication among different groups
of artists but also among representatives of other areas of interest,
strengthening the role and the importance of art as a key ingredient in a
multicultural society which faces the challenges of globalization.
The POSTBOX Magazine isn’t only a printed publication – its goal is to
generate events which could bring significant changes to our society. 

The POSTBOX Magazine
Oberliht Association, the Republic of Moldova
Gh. Asachi str. 53/1, lit. “A”
Chisinau 2028
+ (373 22) 286317, + (373 22) 79370809 / Victor NEAGA
+ (40) 744 680 622 / Andreea TOMA
email: andreea(a)
visit our web page at:


Revista la PLIC   |   Relatii cu publicul

Revista la PLIC este editata cu suportul financiar al Institutului
Cultural Roman din Bucuresti

Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
oberlist mailing list

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