Thursday 20 May 2010

*Protesters occupy Zagreb street and demand mayor's resignation*

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Around 4000 people have this evening marched to Zagreb City Council and
demanded the resignation of mayor Milan Bandic over plans to build an
entrance ramp to an underground car park in Zagreb's Varsavska Street
pedestrian zone. Piling up suitcases outside the council building, the
protestors demanded that the mayor pack his bags and find a new job.

The protest marks the culmination of a dramatic week, in which work on the
HOTO group's contested "Cvjetni arcade" development has been blocked by
activists from Green Action and the Right to the City initiative and the
site occupied.

Eearly on Monday morning contractors for the City of Zagreb, acting in lieu
of the private investor, HOTO group's contested "Cvjetni arcade" development
erected a metal fence around the Varsavska Street - a public space soon to
be privatized and turned into a entrywayan entrance ramp for the private
investor's garageunderground car park. The entrance was blocked by activists
in the morning, who were joined a They were prevented from further work by
activists from Green Action and the Right to the City initiative blocking
the entrance to the site. At around midday they were joined by a several
hundred citizens residents who hammered on the fence and eventually pulled
it down and occupied the area, camping out there in shifts ever since.

Citizens Residents demonstrating at tonight's protest, who met in support of
the occupation in Varsavska Street in even larger numbers on Tuesday this
week, also welcomed the belated investigation by the state anti-corruption
office USKOK of potential criminal liability in issuing the permits for the
construction oftion of the "Cvjetni arcade" shopping centre, luxury flats
and car park in the place of razed protected cultural heritage buildings,
which involved the destruction of protected cultural heritage buildings..

The protestors have vowed to continue their occupation of Varsavska Street
for as long as necessary to stop the project.

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slobodne veze/loose associations

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