
O prof. Rousseau me propôs este problema. Alguma
sugestão/solução? Poderíamos ter uma colaboração
individual/da lista no tal jornal.

Eu começaria tentando uma solução por indução.

[ ]'s

Dear Luis:

   I am just in the process of writing up some solutions of a problem
in SIAM Problems and Solutions (an electronic publication that I edit).
It occurred to me that you might like to find your own solution, which
I would then be glad to publish.  The problem came from Jonathan Borwein.
You need to show that for each N \geq 1 the sum of the infinite series
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} k^k/((k+N)!e^k) can be expressed as
P_N(e) where P_N is a polynomial of degree N with rational


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