Ola pessoal,

Como resolver estes 3 word-problems  ?

1) Os empregados de um determinadosetor de uma empresa foram convocados pra votar uma proposta de aumento de salarios. Esse setor possui empregados dos niveis I, II, III e na votacao nÃo ocorreu nenhuma abstencao:

40% dos empregados do nivel I foram a favor,
84% dosde nivel II votou a favor e
80% dos de nivel III foram a favor.

A soma dosvotos favoraveis foi de 80% do total de votantes. Qual o numero de empregados em cada nivel ?

2) Suppose you have a lemonade stand, and when you charge $1 per cup of lemonade you sell 60 cups. But when you raise you price to $2 you only sell 30 cups. Write an equation for the number of cups you sell as a function of the price you charge.Denote *C*; for number of cups, and *P*; for the price you charge. Assume the function in linear.

3) Given below are five statements 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. There are 4 alternative sets of combinations of 3 statements each, out of which only 1 combination is logically compatible and correct. Find the correct combination.

1.If âxâ increases, âyâ increases
2.If âxâ decreases, âzâ decreases
3.If âyâ decreases, âzâ decreases
4.âxâ and âyâ cannot decrease together
5.If âxâ decreases, âyâ decreases

a)      1, 5, 4 b) 2, 3, 4 c)1, 2, 4 d) 2, 4, 5

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