Tem soh um errinho pequeno porem decisivo no enunciado do prob 1. Embaixo
estah ajeitado.

-- Mensagem original --

> Oi pessoal,
>  O Thiago Barros teve a paciencia de redigir os enunciados dos problemas
>do 1o. dia da IMC - 2004 para que vcs pudessem ver e pediu que eu encaminhasse-as
>para a lista. Os enunciados estao abaixo.
>  Ate mais,
> Yuri
>>1) Let S be an infinite set of real numbers such that
>>|s_1 + s_2 + ... + s_k| < 1 for every finite subset
>>{s_1,s_2,...,s_k} of S. Show that S is countable.
>>2)Let P(x) = x^2 - 1. How many distinct real solutions
>>does the following equation have:
>>P(P(...(P(x))...)) = 0? [com P sendo aplicado 2004
>>3) Let S_n be the set of all sum x_1+x_2+...x_n, where
>>n>=2, 0<=x_1,...,x_n<="pi"/2 and
>>sin(x_1) + sin(x_2) + ... + sin(x_n) = 1
>>a) Show that S_n is an interval.
>>b)Let l_n be the length of S_n. Find lim(n->infinito)(l_n). 
>>4)Suppose n>=4 and let M be a finite set of n points in
>>R^3, no four of which lie in a plane. Assume that the
>>points can be coloured black or white so that any of
>>the sphere which intersect M in at least four points have
>>the property that exactly half of the points in the
>>intersection  of M and the sphere are white. Prove that
>>all of the points in M lie on one sphere.
>>5) Let X be a set of  binomial(2k-4, k-2) + 1  real numbers,
>>k>=2. Prove that there exists a monotone sequence x_1, x_2, ..., x_k in
>X such that |x_{i+1} - x_1| >= 2|x_i - x_1|
>>for all i = 2,...,k-1.
>>6) For every complex number  z != 0,1 define
>>   f(z) := sum((log z)^(-4)),
>>where the sum is over all branches  of the complex
>>a) Show that there are two polynomials P and Q such
>>that f(z) = P(z)/Q(z) for all z in C\{0,1}
>>b) Show that for all z in C\{0,1}
>>f(z)=z(z^2 + 4z + 1)/6(z-1)^4.
>>com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela.
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